Chapter Ten

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Huda came out of her room limping, as usual. Although she has gotten a lot better, but the pains is still there, just not like before.

Is Sunday evening and Anwar is at Aunty Rukayya's house. He actually went for the weekend which Aunty Rukayya literary force her to let him go.

And even him, Anwar wanted it yesterday morning when she came to pick him up, but since he left. They've called her countless time and even yesterday night, she has to console him before he agree to go to sleep cause he insisted on coming back to his Ummie.

She came to the last step as her eyes went around the parlor hearing voices more like a whisper yelling, which made her to halt as her eyes fixed on the two individuals seated near each other.

She caught a glimpse of Daddy and Mummy facing her with her backs but seems to be shushing each other as if not wanting anyone to hear what they're discussing.

Huda stop there for a minute as she analysis them, they're talking, yet they both seems as if they're forcing themselves.

She tilt her head thinking if it is that secretive, why didn't they stay at Daddy's parlor or the guest parlor since no one enters there just like that.

She took a step as quietly as possible not wanting to interrupt their intense discussion, intending to follow the back door. About few steps to the kitchen's door. she slowly turn her gaze back to them and unfortunately, her gaze caught the ones of Daddy who was staring at her blankly.

And not a second after, Mummy whom backed her before, also turn her head towards her.

They both gave her a quick gaze which immediately made Huda's stomach turn. From the look on their faces, she knows that something is up.

"Huda come here..." It was Daddy's soft voice that mumbles as he took his gaze back to the television.

Her gaze transfer to Mummy as she felt a pit raising from her stomach. The look on Mummy's face say it all.

She does hide her feelings very well most of the time, but not when it comes to Huda, although she has learn how to do that now.

Huda swallow something bitter deep down her throat as she start reciting each du'a that comes to her mind.

She limp towards her parents and sat on a sofa beside Mummy's with her head down as she plays with her fingers.

Both Daddy and Mummy exchange a worried glance. They're all thinking of what's best for Huda. And they seriously think is time they do what they're supposed to do as her parents.

"Am sure you heard about Suhaila's engagement with Nasir." Daddy started calmly as Mummy just sighed without saying a word.

Huda gave Mummy a quick glance, wanting to get an idea of why they're telling her that. When she saw that Mummy is not even looking at her, her confuse gaze transfer to Daddy as she whispers.

"Yes. I spoke to her and she told me the wedding date has being fixed already..." She trails seeing that both her parents are giving her weird look and not wanting to talk.

Huda took a deep breath tilting her head then continue with. "She decided to get her dresses sewn in our shop" She concluded a little excited.

"What is going on between Dr Kabir Son and You..." It was Mummy whom blurt out the question which made Huda's body went stiff.

How did her parents know that. Except for that day that he came and picked her up saying that he met Dad, and the other day that he brought cake to Anwar, she doesn't think that they've ever met even for a second and she haven't met him since the day he picked her up and thank God they don't have each others phone number.

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