Jelly Babies and Wine Gums

Start from the beginning

She dont need to know one split, one was for oral, one to fuck. 

I teased asking if she was jealous, has she never been shown a good time. 

Only she snapped "yes I have been shown a good time, im some street worker remember, I have been with so many blokes surely you can understand statistically at least a handful knew what they were doing" She pushed me away, pushing my chest! It didn't do much, then she squeezed past me, her frame so small under mine. 

"I wouldn't be jealous, I can't think of anything worse than a Sorento touching me again" . She said through gritted teeth.

She walked away, and my anger dissipated. Fuck, I punched the cuboard, why did I even say that, she wouldnt want me in that way, not after my brother hurt her, knowing my secrets, having to live with my initials burned into her arm. 

I felt like crap, honestly she is my maid and nothing more. 

I need to talk to her like I would with Danny or Brook!

I fished into my bag and pulled out the sweets. I left them on the side with a note for "Caris, these are for you, I should not have overstepped, you were doing your job and you did it well, so thank you" 

I decided to go out, only to see our dinners sitting on the table. I boxed up Caris' dinner and left it next to the microwave. I sat down and ate the jacket potato. It was perfect, I should have eaten with her. 

I put another note by her dinner "I ate mine, it was lovely." I then got my shoes on and went to the club.

 I needed to forget about my emotional outburst.

Once at the pub I started with a pint, footy was on so watched a bit of that before starting on the whisky. 

Some tart came up to me and was flirting with me with no shame. I didn't feel like having some cheap fuck tonight, Id rather wank. 

I order her a drink, and tell the Bartender to put it on my tab. I then walked away, she was not worth my time. 

Money is meaningless to me, my time is something that I do value!

 I excused myself and had some fags on the way home, in the crisp air. Which was helping me sober up.

Once back I saw that Caris had eaten her dinner and the sweets were gone. I smiled to myself, like her accepting the sweets were enough, a small victory.  

I laid in bed, and my mind kept thinking back to what I said, was asking if she was jealous so bad. I started to think about her being jealous, and how hot it would be, that she was thinking of me and as my hand pulled my cock out, I was needing a release. I was stroking myself trying to think about the girl from yesterday or the one that flirted with me tonight but I found Caris entering my brain. 

I was so close, and then that's when I heard it. 

A scream!

 I tucked my angry hard cock away, and ran into Caris's room. I saw her in bed, in these little shorts and crop top and my cock twitched.

 Fuck you penis, not the time!

She was shaking, and crying in her sleep. I stepped toward her, not knowing how to help. "No, please no, Charlie!" she cried and I realized she was reliving something horrible. 

I sat on her bed and stroked her hair, I didn't want to startle her. She soon settled, rolled over and was snoring away. What has she been through? 

With my erection lost I just went to bed to sleep, but I couldn't stop thinking about Caris and what pain she must have known.

I woke up early, and I went out, I bought some almond croissants and starbucks coffee. I waited on the sofa for Caris to come out. I knew it was Sunday and she could sleep in, so I made sure the coffee was an iced one. Forty minutes later she came out from her room, had a glass of water and hadn't even noticed me.

 "Morning" I said and she jumped a mile. I chuckled and then gestured to the table "Breakfast" I said and she walked up to me slowly and sat on the opposite sofa. 

"So, as you're not my maid today, it's your day off. What are your plans" I asked . She shrugged and looked around "Uhm I might watch a movie in my room, and I may read a little" she sighed and looked sad. 

I wanted to break the ice, I never apologize but I wanted to in this instance. "I'm sorry" we both said and she giggled.

 "Why are you sorry, I acted unprofessional, and I called you a street whore and even if that's your past, it's not fair I judge". I explained before sipping my black coffee.

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