14. Height of Patheticness!

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Today's the day when I have to give him some of my assignments and notes. I've been carrying this folder file with me the whole day. I am supposed to be in my class right now and gave this to him... But here I'm walking around without knowing where I'm heading.

"Hey junior." I heard

"Hey senior," I said

I walked ahead without giving much thought.

One step


Thr.... I almost fell back while choking. Someone pulled me back by the scarf around my neck. I looked up eyes widened with part shock, part surprise.

"Senior Vaughn.!"

He rolled his eyes at me but why? He was still holding up my scarf and I just looked at him blankly. Come on just say if you have anything to say.... I'm not in the mood to smile or talk to you at the moment... I just wanted to walk and walk... Till the end of the world... Or till I feel tired... Sigh~

Thinking of getting tired makes me tired... Bloody hell! That doesn't even make any sense... So I wish I could have disappeared from this planet after getting that secondhand embarrassment the first thing in the damn morning... maybe if it was the evening time I wouldn't mind this much... Now I imagine some long arm coming out of these white walls to embrace me and then taking me with them inside the walls.

Snap! I turned my head. Ohh this senior is still here! He snapped his fingers right in front of my face. I swear I felt his snapping fingers touching my bloody eyelashes. My eyes widen at their full capacity.

"Are you here to get your hi?" This small voice was coming from me. What happened to my voicemail? He keeps staring down at me at this rate he could even get the x-ray vision. I have a sudden urge to cover myself up or to stand behind a pillar or a tree so that he can't see through me.

"Follow me." I heard his deep commanding voice, next thing I knew I was watching his broad back in front of me because I was walking behind him.

What the hell! Where is he taking me? Is it too late to turn around and walk the other way? Maybe not. I confidently turned around to escape then I almost fell behind choking as if something or someone was holding me. Gawd I almost fell but someone held me in time. Who am I kidding with? I knew that that someone was this senior. I looked up to his face in his dark eyes I saw a mixture of surprise and amusement, mostly amusement.

'Yeah, whatever just laugh at me. Don't hold back anymore. I felt like I had become a bloody laughing stock as of today. So just go on... I wish I could join you but I can't. My apologies.' I thought to myself sarcastically while looking at his handsome as-hell face. I wanted to scream at his face and run to the hills.

"I'm not laughing at you."

"..." I'm not buying that.

"Let's sit somewhere and talk." He made the plan for us, I just stared. "Stop staring at me!"

"Did....did I think out loud?" I half whispered near his ear as if we were sharing some kind of secret. He looked at me thinking something. Then he came closer, whispering back.

"No!" Thank heavens "...you said out loud." Bloody hell!

'That's it I'm running away. Bye, senior Vyan have a nice day!' I thought and he read my mind. Sweet!

"You are COMING with me." Did I say that out loud, again? "Yes, you did. Now shut up and follow me." He said almost ordering me around.

TANKHUN Fanfic | Mind Over MatterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora