02. The Omega Life

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Mile hated the torn looked apartment as soon as he saw it. The Omega lived in a not so safe neighborhood and on a known drug trafficking street. The Alpha pulled up in front of it and got out of the car to help the half asleep Omega out of the back seat.

"Here we go,"

The Alpha helped him stand and Apo looked up at his apartment, all he could think of was getting to his pup and he found a surge of energy and he rushed on shaky legs to get into his apartement, the cop following him in and he couldn't find it in him to care. If the cop wanted payment for the ride, Apo would get on his knees after he made sure his pup was alright, he had been gone much longer than he had planned.

Mile stepped into the old apartment that called home by The Omega and looked around. It was very sparsely furnished with no electronics. The living room consisted only of an old brown love seat that had seen better days with a small coffee table and nothing else. The floors were clean and there wasn't a speck of dust anywhere. The kitchen was small and narrow but impeccably clean, with a small round wooden table with a pup's high chair.

He followed the Omega towards the hallway and to a closed door and the Omega hurried to open it. The room was small but well organised, it was a pup's nursery and was the only room in the house that was fully furnished. Sage green walls and a brown recliner, a small pup standing in the crib, smiling as it saw his Papa.

"Hi baby," Apo softly greet his baby

Apo wanted to go to his son, but he was covered in filth and strange scents and it wouldn't be a good idea to touch his pup

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Apo wanted to go to his son, but he was covered in filth and strange scents and it wouldn't be a good idea to touch his pup. Mile watched the Omega have an inner conflicted and he guessed what the issue was when the Omega started for the pup but stopped short.

"Um, I can watch him while you take care of yourself, if

you're ok with that," Mile offered.

The pup was completely adorable to the Alpha, big smile with warm brown eyes that like his Papa and a thin layer of light brown hair covered his tiny head, looking every bit like his Papa. Apo watched his pup giggling and

clapping at the Alpha cop who was starting towards him making goofy faces. He hated to leave Nolan with a stranger but he needed to get cleaned up.

"Thank you. I won't be long,"

As he didn't wait for a reply as he hurried to his bedroom and to his bathroom. Mile took off his police jacket and picked up the pup. He was about a year old he guessed but really small and was adorable with dimples and a

precious button nose. Mile loved pups and lucky for him, they liked him back. He sat down on the sofa rocking chair and started to coo at the pup.

Apo peeled off his clothes and stuffed the uncounted money into his only night stand by his mattress that was directly on the floor. He half expected the Alpha to come in and have his way with him. He stepped into his bathroom and looked at himself in his mirror, the tacky green coloured bathroom making his skin take on an unhealthy looking hew. His body was covered in bruises and blood smudges were on his face and between his

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