12. Unbearable Moments

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Mile had looked into opening an account for Apo as he had mentioned and had wanted to put Apo on his credit card account so he could have his own card, but before he could, Apo had to go to the O.P.R.B., Omegas
Profession Registry Bureau. He had to show a proof of new employment, pass a medical check and be subjected to a detailed background report.

So on Mile’s following day off, they packed up Nolan in the car seat with a diaper bag and headed to the official building. Stepping out of the car, the government building was extremely intimidating to Apo. There was a chance he could be rejected and forced back into his old profession.

After Mile had found out and told him, Apo had tried to stay strong. He hadn’t let his panic and tears show till he was alone in his bedroom; however, he had a feeling the Alpha had known and might have heard him cry.

The Alpha had told him his chances were good, especially since he had Nolan. His pup would play a major factor. Another factor was Mile was
an ex-Marine and a current Police Officer; it helped as well.

It will be fine you’ll see,” Mile tried to encourage him.
Taking the bag from him, the Omega held on tightly to Nolan. Apo just kept his eyes on the big, dark tinted building as he followed the Alpha into it.

The inside was stale, stoic, and cold. A Black haired Beta women was seated behind a massive reception desk with two Alpha security guards at each end.

“Welcome to O.P.R.B, how can I help you?,” She greeted
them cheerfully.

Alpha Mile Phakphum, I have an appointment for my house Omega Apo Nattawin,” Mile informed the overly peppy Beta.

Oh yes! Mr. Mile, your appointment will start with Beta Named Gift on the 7th floor, suite 300,” The Beta
instructed them.

Thank you,” The Alpha stated politely.

They proceeded to the elevator, finding an older Beta mending it.

Which floor?,” The bald man asked.

Seven please,” Mile said.

When all this convo happened Apo hid behind him, holding on to Nolan.

The elevator was large with marble floors and impeccably clean mirrors all around. The Omega’s stomach was twisting making him queasy, he couldn’t
help but inch closer to the Alpha, letting his woodsy pine mixed with apple scent make him feel safe. Nolan was babbling playing with his coat’s collar, Apo nuzzle him gently, taking solace in his pup’s peach scent.

The elevator ‘dinged’ indicating they had reached their floor and they stepped off. Mile thanking the Beta. They reached a second receptionist, a short brunette Beta with a broad smile.

Hello, you must be Mr. Phakphum and Mr. Nattawin,” She guessed in a cheery manner.

Yes,” Mile answered.

Welcome. Mr. Phakphum I will ask you to fill out these forms. Mr. Nattawin , Mrs. Gift is waiting for you in the medical sector. I will ask you to go with Beta nurse May, she will take you to her. Oh and you may not take the pup. The cutie isn’t allowed beyond this point, I’m afraid.”

The brunette Beta with a name-tag displaying ‘Luna’ added, smiling at Nolan, who turned away from the too big smile on her face.

Apo looked momentarily panicked before Mile put the forms and clipboard down and reached out to take Nolan.

Say bye to Papa, see you in a little bit.”

Mile cooed to Nolan while winking at Apo, trying to ease his nerves. Apo cupped Nolan’s little face and peppered his face with kisses making him giggle.

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