18. I Love You

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Mile woke up slowly. He found himself on his stomach, nude and feeling amazing. Blindly he reached across his bed, searching for the source of the maddening eucalyptus scent, only to find the bed cold and empty.

He opened his eyes, lifted up on his elbows and looked around. There was no sign of the beautiful Omega. He turned, sitting up and wiped his face. Their scents lingered mixed in with traces of his musk and Apo’s slick. The aroma played with his senses. They had made love repeatedly. Mile had lost count, his whole body still humming with happy fatigue.

He left the bed as he headed straight to the bathroom, needing to relieve himself. He groaned as he closed his eyes, leaning against his hand on the wall while he let it flow. His mind raced through what had happened last

The Alpha washed his face and looked at his reflection in the mirror. He had bedded his house Omega. Every part of him wanted more. wanted Apo as his. His black eyes zeroed in on the black lined tattoo on his shoulder. He
glared at the damn thing and what it represented. The Omega hadn’t reacted like other Omegas had when they saw it. Either Apo didn’t know what it represented or he didn’t care. Mile had a feeling the Omega had no idea what it meant; too polite to ask. Mile bit his lip, tasting Apo still. The overwhelming need to be selfish and just ignore the tattoo sank into him. He grabbed his discarded sweatpants and t-shirt. He slipped them on before leaving his bedroom door to go seek out the Omega.

As soon as he opened the door, the heartwarming sound of Nolan’s giggles graced his ears along with the mouth watering smell of eggs and bacon.

He quietly hurried on bare feet down the hall. When he reached the kitchen, his heart thumped and his stomach swirled at the sight.

Apo was dressed in one of Mile’s old and baggy grey t-shirts which reached down to almost the Omega’s mid thighs; leaving his legs bare. As always, his feet were covered in his fluffy Shark slippers. Apo’s hair was a
mess from sleep, a gentle smile graced his face, as he fed Nolan who, sat in his high chair in the kitchen while his Papa cooked breakfast.

The Omega turned towards the stove as Mile made his way to him, hugging him tightly from behind, and kissed his neck. Apo jolted for a moment before melting against the Alpha. Nolan started to babble, clapping as he went. Squeaking gleeful sounds escaping the pup’s mouth.


Mile hummed against Apo’s neck, taking in his scent. His wolf keened as he found his own lingering scent on the Omega; making him exceedingly territorial. Apo turned in his arms, those damn mesmerizing light brown eyes were looking up at him. They were filled with uncertainty.


Apo could drown and lose his soul as those majestic black eyes looking at him, intense and hungry. His body shivered as Mile’s hands caressed his face, trailing down to his neck. His heart was pounding in his chest. Last
night had been amazing and wonderful. Every inch of him was hyper sensitive to the Alpha in front of him. All he wanted to do was stay in his arms, immersing himself in Mile’s searing kisses that melted him to the core.

“Be mine,” The Alpha pleaded.

His hands caressing the Omega’s face, watching those light brown eyes go wide with surprise.

Mile wanted him?

He had gone to him last night, his body screaming for the Alpha. Apo had dreamed of being Mile’s since they had first met, but he knew the reality, he wasn’t good enough.

I’m not worth—” The Omega started;

However, Mile cut him off with a kiss to silence all of his fears. When the Alpha pulled away he caressed Apo’s face, his black eyes flashing Alpha red for only a second. It made the Omega tremble seeing the sheer intensity
and sincerity in those eyes.

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