09. The Beginning of New Life

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Apo stepped out of Mile’s black sedan they had just filled with his very few belongings and looked up at the Alpha’s house. A two story brick house that was well maintained and taken care of was now his and Nolan’s new home.

Welcome to your new home,” Mile announced
He started for the house with bags in his hands. Apo followed and Mile couldn’t help his smirk, both Papa and pup’s big brown eyes were wide, looking at the house.

When Apo walked into the house, right away Mile’s strong scent hit his senses, woodsy pines wrapped around him.

Nolan smiled and then sneezed, the Alpha musk also strong for the little one.

Sorry about that,” The Alpha apologized sheepishly
Before he sat down the bags and went about opening the windows, airing out the house.

The living room had a large comfy looking dark blue sofa and matching loveseat with blue, grey and white plaid cushions. An old and well loved La-Z-Boy chair was on one side, looking at the small fireplace and a flat screen TV that rested above the mantle.

“So let me give you the tour,”

Mile insisted taking the few bags Apo still held on to, and set them aside with the others.

The living room, the fireplace works and I’ve never had
any problems with it.” The Alpha said.

They started towards the hall where the kitchen was.

This is the kitchen, I redid most of this myself when I first inherited the place—,

“Inherited?,” Apo asked, felt a little curious with the given information.

Um yeah, this was my parent’s place. I grew up in this
house with Tong and Anita. You’ll met them eventually.”

Apo nodded, completely in love with the kitchen.

Back there is my bedroom on the left and across is my little gym, you’re more than welcomed to it.” Mile

The Omega and pup looked all around as the Alpha went on showing them more features of the house. All the floors in the house were a beautiful wood which included the upstairs level. Apo was happy to notice the old stairs didn’t creak as they stepped on them.

So I had a reason for telling you not to bother with
Nolan's furniture. I wanted to surprise you with this as a
thank you for taking my offer. This big house needs a pup’s laugh,” Mile said, unable to meet the Omega’s eyes.

Apo had no idea what Mile was going on about. Eventually the Alpha would find a mate and have his own pups but Apo didn’t feel he should say any of it. He stayed quiet and followed Mile to a room at the front of the house.

Mile smiled at him as he opened the door. Apo’s eyes went wide and Nolan clapped and giggled, somehow knowing this was his room.

This was my old bedroom, I um, I finished it yesterday,”

The Alpha stated, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Mile. It’s beautiful,”

Apo didn’t know what to say.

He didn’t understand why Mile was so good to him and Nolan. The Omega couldn’t stop himself and turned to the smiling Alpha who was practically puffing out his chest at his praise and kissed his cheek.

Thank you,”

Mile just looked at him clearly shocked. His black eyes looked at him wild and intense. Apo blushed and looked away under the heated gaze. The Alpha cleared his throat.

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