10. I want to, but I Can't

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Today Apo couldn't stop smiling. His first two weeks of being a house Omega had just passed and Mile had just handed him nine hundred and thanked him. The house was immaculate and the Alpha had breakfast in the morning, a packed healthy and Alpha worthy lunch and delicious dinners. Mile made sure to tell the pretty Omega repeatedly how much he loved all the food he made. The fact that Apo could make vegetables taste this good had Mile happily stuffing his face.

"So I was thinking since it's your first full two weeks, we
could celebrate. My brother Tong and sister Anita want
to join us for dinner, that way you guys can finally meet," Mile informed.

Mile beamed with a huge smile on his face.

"Oh! Phi Tong will bring his Alpha Pong with him. They have been married for about a year now, he's a nurse."

"I'd really like that. What should I make?," Apo asked.

Starting looking in the fridge to see what he had available.

"You're sure you don't mind cooking? I've kinda been
bragging about your cooking skills." The Alpha admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. Apo had started to love that gesture, knowing that the Alpha only did it when he felt shy.

The fact that Mile loved and talked about his cooking made Apo feel warm and fuzzy inside. He sure couldn't hold it against the big Alpha.

"Not at all,

Awesome. Um, Phi Tong mentioned they would be here around six, still waiting to hear back from Anita,” Mile told him. Before he made his way into the living room to play with Nolan who, started jumping in his bouncing chair as soon as he saw the Alpha. greet the baby with soft ‘Hey Buddy’, Mile started playing with the pup while Apo looked on, smiling.

Whenever the Alpha was home, he would play with Nolan for hours. Just in the short weeks, the Omega had found the Alpha and pup passed out together on the sofa few times.

Finding Mile asleep on his back on the large sofa with Nolan asleep on his chest, face firmly in the Alpha’s neck while one of Mile’s big hands held the pup, and his own head rested on the other arm.

The most recent time was just yesterday. Apo had left the Alpha and pup watching TV cartoons in the living room and had gone to do laundry in the basement; when he returned, he had found them in that position.

The Omega had taken advantage of the situation,
grabbing his historic film camera and took a picture or two. The rest of the film was filled with Nolan, only now he would have a few of Mile too, and could secretly cherish them. He had a shoe box half full of used rolls of films that weren’t developed. He never had money to, however now, he could start a photo album, and he could include Mile with no one being the wiser.

Apo found he had three filet mignon steaks and two salmon filets left. He had to go food shopping soon.

“I have three steaks and two fish filets,”

The three steaks for me, my brother and sis, Phi Pong
will want Salmon just like you,” Mile called back from
the living room. Apo couldn’t help but smile. The Alpha was quick to pick up on his preferences, just as he was for the Alpha.

The sounds of Nolan giggling like crazy hit the Omega’s ears as he stepped out of the kitchen to go see what was going on. He found Mile laying on his back on top of the play carpet, while holding Nolan out like he was
flying. The pup giggled and look around with wide light brown eyes and a huge smile as the Alpha brought him down fast, kissing the pup’s nose. Then right back up at arm's length. Mile repeated the motion again and again.

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