01. Eventful Meeting

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            For graveyard shift, honestly Mile liked it although many hated it, he felt he saved more people this way. He was stationed in Pattaya area as known drug and prostitution area of his district. Being a Cop for the past ten years gave Mile something most graveyard shift cops didn’t have, experience and tack. For this job, Mile was good and it certainly didn’t hurt that he was ex-Marine. Having enrolled at eighteen and honorably discharged after six years, Mile had felt it best to become a Police officer, where he could be needed.

            His Alpha senses and skills were fine-tuned and Mile excelled. He had passed on many promotions because he felt he did more here, on the streets
and didn’t want to be a pencil pusher and get stuck behind a desk. He’d get a gut and that wasn’t something he wanted at thirty two years of age. Luckily
for him however, his Captain and Bangkok city gave him salary increase even without the promotion title.

            Just as he reached second block in Pattaya area, a maroon sedan stopped suddenly across the street from him. He watched two men jump out, both heavily dressed for the cold of the night and Mile watched them pull out a smaller body from the back seat, dumping the victim before hopping back into the car and peeled out. Out of his Alpha instinct, he ran out to the street and just caught the license plate. He clicked the radio on his shoulder calling it in while rushing to the motionless body.

SEO 1840 the plate read.

           "Dispatch; Crime in progress, request assistance, stop suspicious vehicle, SEO, One, Eight, Four, Zero" Mile barked out. His radio crackled to life.

           //10-4. We have a Crime in progress--//

           The Alpha ignored the A.P.B. going out by Dispatch and reached the now slightly moving body on the cold ground. Mile walked slowly to the distress Omega.

Hey, I’m Officer Mile,” Mile started.

           He looked over the person and the strong scent of Omega, blood and sex hit his nose. The victim was wearing knee high, high heeled boots, white thighs
were visible, dirty and bruised with a pulled up blue jean skirt and a cheap and fake brown fur coat. There were several hundred baht bills around and on the Omega.

Dispatch; Gonna need an ambulance,” Mile said.

Clicking the radio and suddenly the Omega sat up quickly and wide scared brown eyes looked up at him.

No Hospital! I have to go home,”

           The Alpha took a deep breath because those brown eyes, crowned in black lashes were the most beautiful thing Mile had ever seen and Mile had seen plenty.

Look, you’re clearly hurt and—,”

I have a pup alone at home... please I have to go home,”

           Those brown eyes looked at him pleadingly and plump flush pink hurt lips trembled from the cold with blood at the left corner and Mile could see bruises on his pretty face and around the Omega’s neck. Fuck. Mile released a breath through his nose and clicked his radio on his shoulder.

Dispatch; Dissregard that”

//10-4 Mile//

Come on, I’ll take you home,” Mile said.

          Carefully helping the Omega to stand after he collected all the money. The Omega almost fell back down and Mile reached out to steady him. Before he said he want to take the care and tell the omega to stay there, The Alpha took off across the street to get his patrol car he hid in the alley way a block over.

           He half expected the Omega prostitute to be gone by the time he came back, but his headlights illuminated the scared and exhausted looking Omega as he turned onto the street to pick him up. Mile jumped out of the car and helped the Omega into the back seat of his patrol car.

Address,” Mile asked the omega softly.

          It took a minute for the Omega to willingly give it, but Mile could smell almost desperation on him to see his pup and then light brown eyes told him where to go.

What’s your name?,” “Apo, Apo Nattawin,”

“I’m Mile, Mile Phakphum”

           Apo sat back in the surprisingly clean back seat of the patrol car and his whole body hurt. Those Alphas and the Beta had tricked him and had done so much more than they had said and agreed to. He could feel the blood and semen easing from his hole. He had been ripped open and his legs had been spread in ways they didn’t go. His jaw was throbbing from the many slaps and his body felt hypersensitive from at the bruises covering every inch of him.

           He let his head fall back on the leather bench and closed his eyes as he laid there and tried not to move. The strong scent of woodsy pines danced around him. At least this Alpha’s scent was pleasing to his senses.


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