17. The Night

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After putting Nolan to bed, Apo had taken his own bath, relaxed in the comfortable tub. He had been excited to try a new bottle of oil he had just gotten the day before in the mail from a great mail in sample company called
‘Aroma Omega’ Tong had introduced him to. Eucalyptus oil, meant to support overall respiratory health, soothes tired, sore muscles. and purify and cleanse.

The hot water and the oils properties had calmed his thumping heart, his nerves tingling with lingering adrenaline from Mile’s touches.

However even after his almost hour long bath and laying in bed for another hour, he couldn’t keep his thoughts away from the Alpha. He tried to let go of
the feelings his touches had evoked in him, but he couldn’t. His wolf mewled for more. The Alpha’s gentle and safety filled arms around him, the fact that
Mile had killed David remained unspoken between them, but for Mile to go so far to protect him and Nolan to such an extent. His heart raced with hopeful thoughts.

It meant so many things while confusing Apo so much he didn’t know how to deal with what had happened just hours ago. The only thing he was sure of was that now, more than ever, he wanted the Alpha. Desperately after being protected in such a barbaric way as to kill for him. The Omega wanted to be thankful to the Alpha; show his gratitude and be—.

Apo closed his eyes and moaned as slick started to pool from his hole.

He wanted to be taken.

He wanted to be under Mile’s big and strong body, give all of himself even if it was just for one night. He desired it more then anything.

Before he realized what he was doing, he was already climbing out of his bed, rushing from his bedroom, and dashed down the stairs. He quickly made his way down the dark quiet hall, his mind numb as his wolf keened.

When he reached the Alpha’s bedroom, he hesitated only for a moment before slipping inside and closing the door behind him.

The strong and heavy woodsy pine scent wrapped around him. Apo closed his eyes, inhaled deeply. The scent intoxicating his senses; it compelled him to mewl.

Everything inside of him felt desperate. The Alpha was asleep in the middle of his large bed, shirtless, mouth open and snoring lightly.

The Omega took off his clothes as he slid into the Alpha's bed. Mile stirred, his sleepy eyes zeroing on the Omega crawling towards him.

“A—Apo?,” Mile croaked, voice heavy with sleep and

Apo was inches from him. The Omega caressed the dazed Alpha’s cheek and kissed him. Once their lips touched, Mile seemed to realize this was real. Apo was on his bed, naked and kissing him. Mile pulled him into
his lap, wrapping his arms around him, deepening the kiss fiercely. Hands tangled in each other’s hair. The Alpha consumed himself in the Omega’s scent, drugging his senses while his tongue mapped out Apo’s mouth.
Apo’s hands circled Mile’s neck, fingers grazing through the short dark hairs. Mile held the Omega against him, swift and smooth in his actions, he spun them so Apo could now lay beneath him. He groaned, smelling the Omega’s slick, urging him to grind his hips, feeling the wetness; he growled. Apo moaned, having the big Alpha between his legs, his hard cock pressed firmly against his slick soaked thighs; he mewled, needy and wanton.

Mile was over him, black eyes intense; a flash of Alpha red before going to a glowing back to black, filled with lust.

The Omega beneath him surpassed any and all fantasies Mile has ever had. Nothing compared to having the actual physical beauty below him. His
hair a mess against his light grey sheets, face flushed, bright brown eyes, brimming with emotions the Alpha dared to hope for.

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