08. Happiness Is Not Yet To Come

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⚠️ Trigger Warning, Rape ⚠️

Mile made his way to the cafeteria, walking around his colleagues who eyed him confused, spotting the tiny pup in his arms. The Alpha just smirk at them and walked into the room, noisy with laughter and arguments. Nolan moved but stayed asleep.

He made his way to the cafeteria Beta and ordered the tea and waited while petting Nolan, taking in his light peach scent.

Hey Mile, settle this bet we— Is that a pup in your arms?,”

Wang stopped short, starring at the pup drooling on Mile’s shoulder.

Yeah, so keep it down.” Mile said, cooing at Nolan who just held on to him.

Well now, ain’t this a lovely sight, Fits you nicely Mile.”

Ping said smiled knowingly, Mile’s best friend came over to look at the pup who clearly loved Mile. The Alpha looked up at his best friend and the silent understanding between them passed and Ping smirked gently.

What’s this bet?,” Mile asked, waiting for the tea.

We were placing bets as to why your ex, that pretty Omega Kindergarten teacher broke up with you,”  Wang said as two other Officers, walked over"

Why are you idiots still asking about that? It was four
months ago. Don’t you all have lives of your owns?,”

The Alpha growled making Nolan’s head look up at him with wide surprised eyes. Which replied by ‘Sorry pup, not growling at you,’ cooing at the little one and made a goofy face, making Nolan giggle sleepily before getting
comfortable against Mile’s shoulder once more.

Well, you always get these hot little Omegas and then they dump you, it's interesting,” Jay said. He watching Mile with the pup, arching a brow. Mile and the guys would regularly frequent a local bar downtown, they would all spot Omegas they were interested in but most would strike out while ninety percent of the time, Mile walked out with a pretty Omega, which was how his last three relationships had happened. This would also start rumors and speculations as to why his relationships didn’t last passed a few short months. Min, the kindergarten teacher had been his longest.

Who’s kid is that anyway?,”

“My house Omega’s pup,”

“Didn’t know you had a house Omega,”

“You guys a really nosy for nothing,”

“Does Anita know? She already acts like your mom even though your older,” Ben said, making the others laugh.

The cafeteria Beta finally handed him the tea.

You’re all idiots, except for Ping,” Mile said.

He turned to leave, making Ping snort and the other’s went back to the bet. About why had the Omega Kindergarten Teacher, Min something, leave Mile.

Before that it was some other Omega Nurse and before that a Omega Maid. The Officers looked over at Ping, knowing the other Alpha knew the events around
Mile’s failed relationships.

Come on Ping, you can tell us,”’ Wang said, as the three idiots giggled. Ping just shook his head and walked out of the Cafeteria.

After having the offered tea and letting it warm his insides while watching Mile finish some paperwork one handed, Apo found himself quietly just watching the scene in front of him. The Alpha at his desk, brows
furrowed in concentration going over his reports with his right hand, all while holding a sleeping Nolan with his left arm, the pup’s little mouth opened slightly and drooling on the Officer’s black uniform.

Happiness - MileApo ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora