33. Everything Coming Together

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Within days Pong had found Mile and Apo a lawyer. The couple was presently on their way to meet with the said lawyer. According to Pong, her name was Alpha Jene and she was well known for the custody hearings and battles.

She was a hard, efficient, no nonsense type of lawyer that worked hard to make sure pups were placed with, or stayed with, the parents that would provide the best, loving, and safe environment that would best help the pup – or pups – thrive.

Alpha Jene's office was downtown in a high rise. They had been able to find a parking spot and managed to go to the lawyer's office in time.

Nolan presently clung tightly onto Mile, having refused to stay in his carrier. Apo sat next to Mile on the expensive looking dark red leather sofa as Alpha Jane started taking notes of their dispositions.

Jane was an older Alpha, beautiful and fierce looking. Long wavy caramel brown hair, and walnut brown eyes with thin dark raisin lips.

"So this is the cutie that's being thrown into this mess?," Alpha Jene questioned. Her large walnut colored eyes looking at the pup with nothing but adoration.

Nolan was standing on Mile's thighs with his Daddy's help, his whole backside firmly pressed against Mile. His big light brown eyes looked at the lawyer with curious suspicion.

"Yes, we received this yesterday in the mail." Apo replied, his voice shaking. He handed over a letter they had received from Mario lawyer.

Apo had been besides himself when he had ripped open the letter. Nolan's father wanted full custody. The Omega had screamed and cried. He woke the pup up from his afternoon nap and Nolan had started to wail out of fear. Apo had grabbed the house phone and dialed Mile's office phone. When the Alpha had answered, Apo had barely been able to tell him what was wrong he had been so badly shaken by the letter's words.

Mile had rushed home, unclear as to what was going on till he walked in and the Omega shoved the letter at him.

"Alright, I have to ask you a few questions so I can build your case. Alpha Mario lawyer has already filed for motion. So I need to catch up." Jene started.

"Obviously the pup is male. How old is he?," Jene questioned.

"A year and a half, almost two." Apo answered. Jene frowned. The pup was quite small for his age.

"He's clearly attached to you both and seems very happy. However, he seems to be very small for his age. Why is that?,"

"I—I didn't have an Alpha when I was pregnant with Nolan," Apo told her, caressing Nolan's face that was peeking from under Mile's arm.

The Omega couldn't keep the smile from his face. Nolan was acting like a monkey climbing all over Mile. Mile was so good with him, he let Nolan do as he pleased but made sure the pup wouldn't fall or hurt himself,

"Nolan's upbringing? You went through the pregnancy alone, that's hard to do," Alpha Jene prodded.

"I wanted my pup, and no, he didn't know Nolan existed," The Omega explained. Jene arched a brow.

"We'll come back to that. Is there any history of child abuse or domestic violence?," Apo looked at Mile and then back at the lawyer.

The panicked look the Omega gave made Jene look at him sternly. Mile placed his hand over Apo's thigh protectively.

"My Omega was a street walker when he had Nolan. We met and they moved in with me. No harm has, nor ever will come to him." Mile firmly stated.

"Dada!," Nolan cheered and turned to bury himself against his Daddy's warmth.

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