06. Take It or Leave It

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Apo pulled his coat tighter around himself as he walked on the sidewalk, making his way home. It was almost four thirty in the morning and he wanted to just get home and get back to his pup. Three clients tonight and he almost had all his rent. Tomorrow night he should be able to make the rest, for now, he just wanted a hot shower and to see Nolan and take in his sweet peach scent.

The dark streets were eerily quiet. He was used to it but it didn’t make things any easier, not when you knew the kinds of things that could happen. Not when you had survived through some of them. He quickened his steps in his high heeled boots, the clacking louder as he went.

A car passed slowly by him with the windows tinted but the Omega could feel the person’s eyes on him, on his bare thighs and too short skirt. He turned the corner and the car continued straight. As he came closer to his house, he didn’t bother glancing at the parking lot and headed straight for his front door only to stop short.

There was a person sitting on his front step and when the person looked up and then stood, Apo released his panicked breath.

Mile,” The Omega said, coming closer.

Where were you?,” Mile asked, his voice worried.

Apo passed him and hunched over to unlock his door.

The Alpha watched him and he couldn’t help but look right at the Omega’s ass. The skirt riding up enough from the simple angle that Mile could see the bottom half of his plump cheeks. The Alpha made himself look away as he followed Apo into the house. The place was cold, almost colder than outside.


The Alpha turned to look at the Omega, seeing nothing but worried wide light brown eyes looking at his shoulder.

What happened to your shoulder, are you ok?,”

Mile shrugged to explain but the Omega just pushed him to sit on the sofa and pulled at his jacket.

Take this off so I can clean it,”

“It's just a graze,”

From what?,” Apo demanded quickly, completely calm
yet clearly worried.

He took off his fake fur coat and Mile’s black eyes looked over every inch of him while the Omega hung it up. The sleeveless black dress was tight in all the right places and showed the bottom of Apo’s ass, bare thighs into thigh high socks and knee high high heeled boots. His neck expose and enticing, his collar bones showing and Mile wanted to nip at them. The Alpha clenched his jaw and looked away.

“A bullet,”

Apo stared at him with wide eyes. “What?,”

There was an altercation two blocks from here, got shot at. I took him out.” Mile said as a matter of fact.

“I was worried about you and Nolan so I came here, and saw you weren’t here,” He continued.

The Alpha couldn’t help letting his black eyes roam over the Omega once more and Apo felt the heat before the Alpha made a point to avert his eyes respectfully.

I’m—I had to work, rent is due,” Apo explained, as he
suddenly felt very under-dressed and swallowed.

Mile nodded his understanding but it didn’t make him saying it any easier. Apo had always hated what he was, what he did for a living, but he never hated it as much as now. The way Mile looked at him and just accepted it hurt, and he didn’t know why.

I’m going to go check on Nolan and change. I’ll patch up your shoulder after so take your jacket off,”

He didn’t wait for a reply and headed straight to Nolan’s room. His angel of a pup was sound asleep, all warm with the room heater on and his soft blankets. Apo smiled and resisted the urge to touch him, he had to
take a shower first, not wanting any other scents to cloud his pup but his own. And Mile’s. Nolan loved the Alpha’s scent and Apo let it go, knowing his pup would always crave an Alpha’s scent, Mile was a good
stand in, he was wonderful with Nolan and cared for him.

Happiness - MileApo ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon