29. The Pain Left The Scars

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Apo was coming home today. Two days ago, after being wrapped around his mate in the hospital bed for over twelve hours, Mile had been shooed out by Doctor Win. He had been instructed to take Nolan home and get the house ready for the Omega to return too. 

 Mile had been worried Nolan would throw a fit at being away from his Papa again and wouldn't let Mile take care of him. To his complete delight, the pup was happy and wanting to stay glued to Mile. Having the pup be loving and needy with him again gave him a sense of hope and happiness. At least Nolan had forgiven him. He knew it was childish to look at it that way and Nolan  was just a pup but it still made the big Alpha giddy with joy. 

 He had taken paternity leave from his job. His superior, Chan, was shocked and surprised but allowed him his two months leave. Ping had added he would hold down the fort while he was gone. 

 Being home, Mile cleaned the house, went food shopping with Nolan  to stock the fridge and pantry, did all the laundry and changed the bed sheets. The house was clean, and Nolan was fresh from a shower with Mile. The Alpha had to improvise. Giving the very animated pup a bath always resulted in Mile getting wet anyways. So, he hung the pup holder he would wear when food shopping with Nolan to keep the pup against his chest—up in the shower from the steel reinforced shower head. 

Mile washed himself quickly while Nolan clapped and blabbed half words at him. The Alpha had then taken the naked pup out if the holder and washed him while in his arms. 

 "Dada luv!,"  Nolan bounced, big grin on his face, dimples showing. The pup was too damn cute. 

Mile kissed his forehead before turning off the shower and wrapped himself and Nolan in a large soft forest green towel. He left the holder in the shower to hang dry. The Alpha laid the pup on the bed while he rapidly slipped on his jeans and socks. 

He never took his eyes off of Nolan, who was already turned over on his stomach and crawling around the bed. Mile grabbed the pup before he could get to the edge and put him back in the middle of the bed.

Mile picked up the footed onesie he had taken out and started to dress Nolan when he stopped. He forgot to grab a diaper. He picked up the giggling pup, yanked one of his t-shirt from the closet and hurried upstairs to Nolan's nursery. He powdered the pup's rump and secured a new diaper. He managed to dress Nolan in the onesie with minimal fuss and slipped his own t-shirt on. 

 The sound of car doors slamming shut made Mile turn towards the window. Pong and Tong were helping Apo out of the SUV. 

Mile turned to Nolan who was sucking on the Alpha's old Iron Man t-shirt. 

 "Papa's home," Mile announced as the pup smile and clapped. Mile snorted as he picked him up and headed for the stairs. As the Alpha reached the landing, Apo was standing in the foyer dressed in fuzzy warm boots, a light pink maternity dress and his warm winter coat. It hung open for his swollen stomach. 

 "Papa!," Nolan cheered, already reaching for him. Mile closed the distance as Apo took Nolan from him and nuzzled the pup lovingly. 

 "Hi baby," Apo cooed at his pup. Tong and Pong stood behind Apo feeling out of sorts. 

 "Um, we are going to go. Call if you guys need anything,"  Pong quickly mentioned as he and Tong left the house quietly. 

Mile couldn't take his eyes off of Apo, letting himself take in every detail. 

 "Do you want to eat something? I went food shopping. Maybe watch a movie or—," The Alpha started nervously. 

 "I just want to lay down," Apo interrupted quietly as he made his way over to the playpen and gently placed Nolan down. 

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