30. Safe Bubble

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The Omega was waking up from a nap when Mile entered the bedroom. He was carrying Nolan in his arms.

"Nolan missed you." Mile explained not wanting to intrude into Apo's space.

"That's fine." He responded flatly 

"Hey baby," Apo cooed at Nolan, taking him from Mile. 

Nolan was clapping his hands and wiggling around in his arms. He was talking his head off like usual. He was always happy to be with the Omega. 

Apo smiled at his pup but it left something to be desired. He felt so removed from it all. He went through the motions; not wanting to hurt the poor pup. 

Mile looked on as the Omega played with his pup. Something was wrong with Apo. His wolf knew it; it was tangible. It hung thick in the air, like a slow growing poison. 

Apo was right in front of him, yet it felt like he had never come home. Every day it was the same. He tried to get the Omega to react; to talk to him. But every day he was further away. 

Mile would touch him, snuggle up against him while they slept, and he even tried to hold him during the day. No matter what he tried it felt cold. He felt like he was touching a corps. 

Apo's spirit had somehow vanished. He was on autopilot; void of any true emotion. When Mile would try to talk to him, he either said he didn't care or answered in short sentences. 

The Apo Nattawin he fell in love with seemed to have died. The vibrate, sweet, and joyous Apo had all but been shattered right in front of him. 

This was worse than anything he had ever known. He got a front row seat to watch his mate silently lose every part of himself. Mile knew it was his fault. The Alpha's shame a permanent stench around him. 

He didn't know what to do. It was killing him and he knew he deserved it. But Apo shouldn't be the one to continue suffering because of his actions. How long till Apo completely pulled away from him. From Nolan? What about their unborn pup? Apo didn't yell. He didn't fight or laugh. He acted like nothing had happened and they were fine. He acted like nothing ever mattered. 

"Hey, Sweetheart?," Mile began, a bit scared of how he would respond. 

"Yes, Mile?," Apo flatly responded; wondering what new question the Alpha had come up with to ask. 

"Are we okay?," Mile's voice shook as he aired his concerns. 

"Why wouldn't we be?," Mile was puzzled by the question 

"You apologized. I accepted. Now we move on." 

"We need to talk about what happened. What I did." Mile insisted. He trying to evoke some emotion out of him. 

"We have talked. I'm okay. We're okay. Nothing's wrong." Apo reassured.

Those hollow words fell on Mile's ears. His words were as empty as Apo himself. The Alpha wanted to shake the love of his life. He wanted to know that some part of him was left. Instead, he nodded along, at a complete lost as to what to do. 

"I'm going to make dinner. Do you want anything special?," Mile inquired. He hoped that today he would ask for something. He wanted today to be different. 

"I don't care." The Omega gave his standard answer. 

"I'm going to put Nolan in his playpen." Mile tried again. He was silently begging for a reaction. He needed Apo to react. 

"Okay." The Omega handed Nolan over without a fight or a care in the world. 

"You want to come out of the room and watch a movie or something?," Mile wished that something would click in Apo and the real him would come back. 

Happiness - MileApo ✔️Where stories live. Discover now