She paused to look at the destroyed dead end.

"They trapped us here and were pounding us into ash when you intervened." She looked at Truk and Narcist. "My apologies for the pheromone hangover." A look of regret flitted across her face. "I panicked."

Lash frowned.

"They'll survive, Mistress. But if you hadn't bombed the concourse, we wouldn't have known you were in trouble," he pointed out. The blonde lilith quickly nodded in acknowledgment, the look of resolve returning.

"Now, you said something about moving?"

Lash quickly nodded.

"We don't have private transport, but we do have seats on a human plane at a gate in this terminal. We need to get to it before the humans lock down the airport."

"I, I don't have a ticket," she began before Fiadh stepped in.

"Lash made sure we bought an extra, to avoid having a human sitting with us," she explained. "Since we're already in the terminal and not needing to pass the Security checkpoint, you won't need human-style identification documents. So, if you're willing, you can travel with us to Belgium. There, the Ventru have transportation waiting to take us to Salzburg."

"The refuge," the blonde said with a nod. "Yes, please. If you will allow me, I will travel with you to the refuge."

"Then we really need to move our asses!" Bronwyn said from the corner as she stepped into sight. "Jaysus, Mary, and Joseph!" she then exclaimed, stumbling to a halt at seeing all the bodies. "Is this the reason the authorities are threatening to lock down the place?"

"Part of it," Lash grimly said. "You still have that extra boarding pass for the sixth seat?"

The boarding agent threw several concerned looks down the concourse towards where sirens could be faintly heard as she took the final boarding pass and scanned it before handing it back to the blonde lilith.

"Did you see what was happening down there?" she asked in English touched with a faint London Estuary accent, clearly nervous.

"No," Lash said with a frown. "We've been in the first class lounge while we waited to board." He then mimicked her look down the hallway. "Huh. I hear sirens. Have you seen any police?"

"No, not yet," the gate agent admitted, a pert young woman with her hair in a tidy bun and her British Airways uniform immaculate.

"We're still okay to get on the plane though, right?" Bronwyn asked. Hearing the Irish accent, the agent favored her with a quick look before nodding.

"Yes, Miss," she said before glancing at her tablet. "I'm seeing alerts on my screen but no holds or delays. Since you've all been pre-boarded since Dublin, all you need to do is board and find your seats. I'll be closing the door right behind you."

"Then we'll do just that," Lash said, gently guiding Truk and Narcist towards the door with hands in the small of their backs. "Thank you for your help."

Her nervousness finally overcome by the big vampire's roguish good looks, the agent flashed him a brilliant smile.

"Mr. Lash, you are very welcome!" she said with enough energy that both liliths glanced at her with almost identical frowns. Then they were through the gate door and onto the sky bridge connecting them to the plane itself.

Again the small company found themselves on an Airbus 320. This time their six seats in business class were on the left hand side, opposite the door. Putting Truk on the window, Lash then put Fiadh on the window in the middle, as before, and the blonde on the window in the third row. Narcist then went on the middle aisle and Bronwyn on the third row aisle.

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