extras !!

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this will be a little long, but the main characters (except onyankopon and yelena) are in here, i swear

a question from masegary420lockback !!


(these will be s4 characters so... and i tried my hardest to copy their personalities ok do not shame me for it)

people other than gary here (no offense) please ask me questions or smth i have nothing else to do in my life and it looks like you're just voting - i really need feedback so i know what to do and how it would somewhat fit your liking 🙁

also, i will be lumping my ideas in here.... well, there's a reason it's titled 'extra'

- qna !!

"Do you have any thoughts on (Name)?"

[reiner]: "They may be difficult to figure out, but they were there when I was at my lowest. What more could a friend be?" He says after taking a moment to figure out and recall the past events of their journey in life.

[annie]: "(Name) was waiting for me. They never gave up hope that I was still alive. From what I've learned, they're a remarkable ally and someone you don't trust with your plans."


[armin]: "There's no mistake that (Name) is a terrifying opponent. I doubt that I'd be able to accept them fully due to their past actions toward us. But... if they were truly one of us from the start, we could've been friends without any guilt to shoulder on our own."

[eren]: "I thought of (Name) as a traitor; an enemy to humanity. But even when they were considered as an enemy to all of us, they still treated us like friends. Now, I know the reason why."

[mikasa]: "They're as tough as the armored titan's shell. They're reckless, unpredictable, and always find a way out."

[jean]: "(Name)'s one of those suicidal morons. They just don't deserved to be called like that."

[connie]: "They're a traitor. But now I understand why."


[cal]: You peeked into one of the rooms, finding a sleeping male on a bed. The moonlight shined through the window next to the white bed as he rested after hours of fighting. Cal wasn't able to be up for questioning.

He was a heavy sleeper, and ironically, heavy sleepers usually wake up to loud voices in their ears.

[hanji]: "As far as I know, concerning the abilities and limitations of titans, they're as interested as I am. I still can't believe they could land a hit on the captain... not even Mikasa could do that, I'm sure."


Somewhere, within the ship, the captain slept soundly on the bed. You decided not to disturb him with such a triggering question, since he rarely slept due to his insomnia. He didn't have put much effort in the fight to take the ship, but he seemed to be tired.

Tired from all the losses he's had to take, and all the sacrifices he's had to make. You remembered when he first smiled in front of his own squad. When Historia had just been forced into taking the role of a queen, she had scored a hit on Levi's shoulder.

It was hilarious, truthfully. All of squad Levi were startled by the sudden action, and were left with their mouths agape. What scared you even further, is that Levi, humanity's strongest soldier, had smiled himself for the first time in what seemed to be ages.

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