3 // destruction

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There were explosions left and right.

Your gaze drifted to Reiner. He was determined to ruin an enemy nation for Marley.

Soon, Bertholdt was to drop by. Zeke would seize this chance and throw him deep into the battlefield until almost nobody could escape the explosion.

According to the plan, you were going to simply cause destruction due to your enhanced strength. With hardening, you could tear through anything—though they doubted you'd even need it due to the perk of the powered titan.

You were all going out one by one. Reiner was there to defend a brigade from the bullets that were aimed at his giant form. He was bait to let the several humans behind him shoot as much as they want, as all that they could see through the chaos and smoke was the armored titan.

Zeke was already out, and so were the rest. You were holding a rifle, deciding that this would be a good time to test your aim. As Reiner was being shot at by the artillery, you kneeled down to the ground with a Marleyan beside you that was doing the same. In a moment, you spotted an exposed target.


"Bingo!" You laughed, having shot the enemy in the head, the bullet whizzing through his head. You grinned madly, your eye seen clearly darting left and right through the smoke, searching for another kill.

You narrowed your eyes, locating another target. Suddenly, your ears heard the sound of Reiner's roar and the commander's orders sending you into the battlefield. You then jumped over the rubble that served as your hiding spot and ran straight into battle.

Pressing the tip of the rifle on the palm of your hand, you pulled the trigger whilst running.

The screams of your titan was heard, and the powered titan formed in the middle of the chaos. With h/c hair that would flow and blend in with the colors, and bright e/c eyes, you immediately sprinted towards the towers. Your titan was drawing unnecessary attention to itself, yet that was entirely the point.

You utilized your limbs to hurry and snatch a few enemy soldiers from the ground. Their lives were squeezed out of their bodies like juice as they shrieked for help, and you threw their bodies to crash into a tower to destroy another.

Suddenly, a large thunder and gust of wind  rushed through your titan. You could see the silhouette of Bertholdt's colossal titan through the smoke.

You were going to marvel at it before you felt a bullet's shell embedded deep in your shoulder. You scoffed at the audacity, digging your fingers into the ground and throwing the handful of dirt into the air, throwing those on the patch of dirt into the air. Paired with Annie, the female titan, you were already unstoppable.

Meanwhile, Reiner resumed to lead the same brigade of soldiers whilst Annie destroyed towers. Zeke was throwing rocks at the enemy.

Pieck had this gear on the back of her titan, and she — or more accurately, her face — was shielded by large metal pieces that were separately set on top and on the lower side of the jaw for Pieck to be able to devour humans.

A seat was provided to whoever would use the artillery that was also strapped to her back and shoot whatever they want. Of course, it was already taken.

Your titan let out a vicious roar, dashing towards the carts full of enemy reinforcements.


The titan full of power roared, killing the enemies that were sent for reinforcements. Your job was to ruin their plans for the worst, after all. You narrowed your eyes back to the chaos of what used to be the enemy nation's land. After crushing the reinforcements into bits, you sprinted back into the field.

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