19 // field

162 5 12

i jsut realized how long this fanfic is going ot be since s4 and the p2 of it's coming out..

sorry abt the smal change inthe districts last chapter, i didnt exactly know where annie was ketp


"(Name), what are you thinking?" Bertholdt shouts from your side. 

"We need Christa, don't we? Ymir can still be recognized as one of the scouts. There might be something that looks wrong with her while finding Christa, but nothing else is suspicious about her!" You shouted back. 

"Besides, if we're really going to establish a relationship of trust with Ymir, then this is it." You managed to convince them even in the slightest. It was only a matter of choice. 

And hesitatingly, they agreed.


The scouts were inbound with the giant forest and the titans. Everyone charged at them, gaining speed in hopes to pass through. Suddenly, the sound of thunder came from the forest. But there was no roar, announcing Eren's enraged transformation. No forest that burned with immense heated steam. 

And no loud footsteps of one that immediately went into action.

Only a small light inside the forest that disappeared almost instantly. Mikasa's sharp eyes caught it. She immediately thought of Eren, but there wasn't anything loud nor made the land shake. "Straight ahead in the forest! I saw a light!" Armin shouted. "It's the light that appears when a titan transforms!"

"So we're just in time." The commander noted. "Soldiers, disperse!" He orders. "We believe the enemy has already transformed!" The platoon began to split into two, avoiding the titans. "Locate and recover Eren!" 

A few of the soldiers had already been picked up by the titans. Their screams were heard, but the scouts chose to move on. The police accompanying weren't trained for titans, anyway. "Engaging in battle is not the objective! Prioritize recovery and retreat!" Erwin reminds his soldiers. 

Hannes' squad of the Garrison regiment used their gears first. One was left to round up and keep the horses safe from danger. "First priority is to find the enemy and let others know! Disperse!"

When they were starting up the hard part of the plan, a titan's raspy scream was heard echoing in the forest. It wasn't as chaotic as Eren's. Mikasa went ahead while Armin stayed briefly to search for an indication of danger. 

With Connie and his squad, Connie had defended a small, strange titan holding onto the tree. He introduced the titan as "Ymir". 

"She's the one they took! She's in titan form!" Connie told them. "Hey, Ymir! Why are you the only one here?" He then asks. Ymir only turned her head away from him.

"Where's Eren? What about Reiner? Bertholdt?" He asked again. "So that's Ymir?" Armin mumbles. "Did she turn into a titan and fight Reiner?" Mikasa presumed. "Ymir? Did you get away from Reiner? Where are they?" Jean shouted a question.

"Tell us something, Ymir!" Sasha says, but Ymir was unresponsive. "Say something already! Hey, ugly! We're in a hurry!" Connie stepped on Ymir's head. Still nothing. Ymir rotated her head. "Is she keeping an eye out for Reiner?" Armin mumbles before knowing that something wasn't right. It was unusual for a titan to be selective with its choices for its meal.

"Why is she looking at everybody, one by one?" Armin asked himself. 


Ymir's head darted to Christa's direction. "Thank goodness," Christa says, reeling herself towards Ymir's titan form. "You're all right!"

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