17 // confess

246 4 4

midn erosa

sorry guys was hoarding primogems from the gaa event


Raindrops began to fall.

The scouts who rescued the 104th corps in the front lines had returned to the supposedly breached wall. Red, tattered flags waved about in the wind. 

Christa watched over Ymir as she was lifted up onto the wall. Ymir was truly in a bad state, her leg and arm bitten off, and her insides beaten like a pinata. But as an inhuman being, she survived. But of course, she wouldn't want to miss the chance to sleep.

Eren heard Reiner's efforts getting up the wall. He was left with one arm, of course. Reiner was lifted up by a sturdy piece of wood, and the scouts were using up their gas to get him and Bertholdt up.

Eren went toward Reiner, extending his hand. "Reiner, grab on!" Eren told him with a smile. Reiner returned the look and held onto his hand, and he stood up. 

After Christa defended Ymir, her actions and her reason, Hanji speaks. "I see. Of course, I hope we can build a trusting relationship with her." They say as Ymir's stretcher was laid down on the ground. "Aside from her judgement, the information that she holds is a treasure for humanity. I hope we get along." Hanji walked over to Ymir.

"But you know, even if she is a simple person, this world becomes more of a confusing mess with each passing day." Christa followed them. She agreed within her mind. "You said your real name was Historia Reiss?" Hanji recalled. Christa confirmed. "Reiss, like that noble family?"

Christa stopped, hesitating to say "Yes," as if she was embarrassed to be one of the Reiss.

"I see. Nice to meet you, Historia." Hanji says, a hand on Christa's shoulder. 

"How's Ymir?" Hanji asked after Nifa secured the rope around her body. "She's still in a coma. Her bleeding has stopped, and we think steam is coming out of her wounds." Moblit reported as Christa kneeled down and caressed Ymir's face. 

"For now, take her back to Trost so she can get proper medical care. She's in your hands." Hanji told Nifa, who understood. "Now, then... our mission was to seal this wall." They walked with their assistant, to confront a certain pair.

"Damn, it hurts." Reiner muttered, holding his broken arm. "Are you all right, Reiner?" Eren asked. "Not at all. A titan nearly gnawed off my arm... that was pathetic. I thought I was done for." He told him. 

Eren helped Armin up the wall. "Things like that can even happen to someone as strong as you." He told Reiner. "What are you talking about? This is the second time for me!" Reiner bursted out. "Tell him, Armin. Remember when I almost got crushed in that titan's hand?"

"Right... back then..." Armin replied. "That means I've almost died twice. At this rate, I'll be dead before I'll know it." Reiner said. "I have chosen this path, but being a soldier is tough. It's like a soldier's spirit breaks down before their body." He murmured. 

"But until we plug up this wall, there's no time to waste whining about it."

"Yes. You two have been driven far enough from your hometown." Eren said, triggering a very personal memory. "I think this is where we've got to draw the line." 

"He's right, Reiner!" Bertholdt exclaimed, catching their attention. "Let's go back to our hometown. Isn't it time to go back?" He asked, kneeling down to his level. "Compared to all the trouble we've been through, there's nothing left to do!"

"That's right. We're so close, it's just a few steps until the end." Reiner says eagerly, finally recollecting parts of himself that he's lost after three long years. "What are you guys talking about?" Eren asked. 

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