The Love Square {3}

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                “We’ve had classes together for years?” I asked in surprise. The part about Colin didn’t really surprise me. That boy hadn’t figured out his love for me yet. But once he did, Collie here would no doubt get sick of hearing about me!

                “Yea. We have at least one class together every year. You’re Anthony. Anthony Andrews,” Collie said matter-of-factly.

                “Ant,” I corrected. “Everyone calls me Ant. Well, except for my mother when she’s mad at me. But she’s out of her mind crazy anyways! Oh, and Colin can call me Anthony if it makes him happy. But other than that, I go by Ant.”

                “What is your obsession with my brother?” Collie asked curiously.

                “He’s perfect,” I said dreamily. “He’s so kind and caring and nice. So attractive. Funny, charming, chivalrous. He likes Supernatural.”

                “He threw you in a trashcan during lunch,” Collie said, raising an eyebrow. “That’s not very charming.”

                “He doesn’t know he loves me yet,” I said, rolling my eyes. It would take too long to explain mine and Colin’s relationship to Collie. My eyes widened a little. “Wait, you’re in my lunch period?”

                “Yes, Ant. I sit with my brother,” Collie explained patiently. “And I understand that you’re creepily obsessed with Colin, but I don’t understand why you let him hit you, shove you in lockers, and throw you in trashcans.”

                “Because we’re in love,” I said, shaking my head at his stupidity.

                I eyed Collie curiously. “Man, your parents must be really lazy, huh? Colin and Collie. Might as well have named you guys Ying and Yang. OH NEVER MIND THAT GIVES ME DIRTY THOUGHTS.”

                Collie rolled his eyes at me. “Sorry our names don’t please you. Ant isn’t exactly original either,” he said.

                “Sassy,” I grumbled with a pout.

                “Anthony, Collie! Be quiet!” Mrs. Kinney snapped.

                OH. Now I get it. Mrs. Kinney’s obnoxiously high pitched voice made “Collie” sound like “Colin”! So I hadn’t heard her wrong after all!

                …Either that, or I just had Colin on my mind. Yea, that could definitely be it.

                Mmm Colin.

                I daydreamed about Colin the whole period. The bell eventually exploded, pulling me out of my pleasant fantasies.

                I sighed and shoved my stuff into my backpack before standing up. I watched Collie as he put his stuff in his bag.

                “So Collie, are you the older twin, or the younger twin?” I asked as we left the classroom together.

                “I’m the younger twin, by ten minutes,” Collie said, his eyes darting around the hallway as he spoke.

                “All this time and I never knew Colin had a twin,” I said, still amazed by that fact.

                “All this time and I never knew how oblivious you were. We’ve sat next to each other in class several times in the past,” Collie said, rolling his eyes.

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