Chapter 88

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Vivianas POV

It's been about a month since things happened with me and mom,

There is still some tension between us but it's not bad and it's something I have been working on

But we got to spend some time together and I'm thankful for that,

We used to have a good bond but that just faded over the years unfortunately. But we are getting it back even if it's taking a while

After I told mom about me cutting again she told mama. I knew she would so that's fine. But, what I didn't expect was she kept her word.

She wasn't over bearing about me. She didn't ask every day all day long like she did before.

They still let me stay home while they work, I'm glad they are trusting me, and rightfully so because I haven't done anything since before I even told them

Speaking of, mom and mama are off today and Emma is here

Which actually wasn't planned, Emma had only came over because Andy had errands to run

"What is Andy doing?" I ask Emma as we lay in my bed,

"No idea! She just told me she'll see me later" Emma says while rolling her eyes

"Why are you so upset about that?" I chuckle and Emma just glares at me

"Sorry bambina" I say sincerely and kiss her head

"Mhm sure.... I just don't like being kept in the dark" she tells me and I nod

"I know" I tell her, after Emma got taken from her father she's been a lot more anxious about things she doesn't know

Speaking of her father she went to visit him the other week, she told me that he was nice to her and apologized for hurting her. And of course she believed  him... which also means she is going to see him again soon

"Viv! Emma! Come out here please" mom yells and I groan. I was comfy and didn't want to get up

Still Emma and I got up and met my mom in the living room

"What's up?" I ask her

"We're going out for lunch and Andy is going to meet us there" mom says and I nod and I go back to my room to grab a pair of crocs and met my moms back in the living room with Emma

We all left and I Leaned my head against Emma the entire car ride

I'm thankful for her, we have been through so much and honestly I'm surprised she has stood by me. I thought she would have left on multiple occasions

But she didn't, Emma is special, she always has been and I'm excited to spend forever with her

We met young yes, but we're both old enough to know what we want and what we want is each other

"Viv!" Mama yells and I look at her

"What?" I ask, a little offended that she had yelled at me

"I have called you 3 times bambina, are you okay?" Mama ask and I nod

"Yea mama I'm fine, I just spaced out a little I guess" I say and we all get out of the car and head into the restaurant

We walked in and got seated and I sat next to Emma while my mom says together

As soon as we ordered our drinks Andy came in and sat at the end of the table, she looked unusually happy but moms smiled too which was odd

Our waiter came back over and took Andy's drink order and walked away

"Where did you go?" Emma ask her, I could tell it was bothering Emma that she didn't know. She was just worried

"Just to town," Andy says and Emma Sighs, clearly not the answer she was looking for

Eventually we all ordered our food and Andy kept looking between my moms and she eventually sighed

"Emma... I want to talk to you about something" Andy says and Emma freezes and just looks at Andy

"Are you going to stop fostering me?" Emma ask

"No no no, complete opposite actually" Andy says and Emma just looks at me and I shrug, still not getting what Andy as saying

"I want to adopt you. I went to town today to get everything I needed to do it today... if that's what you wanted" Andy says and Emma just looks around the table shocked

"Wait- are you serious?" Emma ask while Andy nods and smiles

"Yes... I have the papers, all you have to do is agree and we can head to the court house as soon as we finish here and get it finalized" Andy says and Emma smiles

"You knew?" She ask my moms and they both nod

"We did" mama answers her and Emma looks back to Andy

"Are you sure?" Emma ask and Andy chuckles but nods

"Yes. 100% sure" Andy says and Emma smiles

"Then yea... I'd like that" Emma smiles and Andy gets up and comes over to hug Emma and Emma wipes her eyes while smiling

"As soon as we're done here we're heading to the court house to get everything finalized" Andy says and Emma nods and leans into me and I kiss her head

"You feel better now?" I whisper to Emma and she chuckles

"Be nice to me" she says and I just laugh, causing my moms and Andy to look over at us

After we all finished lunch we all headed to the court house, me and Emma still rode with my moms though

We got there just in time for Andy's appointment which was great

Emma walked over to stand with Andy and Andy smiled and put her hands on Emma's shoulders

Emma's hair was starting to grow out longer, she had cut it off herself the night she came home from the hospital, but I'm glad to see her embracing herself again

We all went in to the courtroom and Emma seemed to get really nervous, luckily Andy noticed and was able to calm Emma down and I smiled

Andy has always been a huge part of my life and now I'm glad that she is there for Emma, she knows how to help her the way she needs it and I appreciate that

I think Andy needed Emma just as much as Emma needed her

Next thing I knew Emma and Andy was standing with a judge getting their photo taken

As soon as they were done Emma ran over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck

"I'm so happy for you" I tell her

"She wouldn't be mad right? Or upset? My mom?" Emma ask me worriedly,

"No bambina, she would be happy that you're happy and safe" I assure her and Emma nods

"Thank you.... Thank you for everything"

Till next time ❤️

Ideas for the epilogue?

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