Chapter 86

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Carinas POV

"I do know what you need" Maya says causing viv to stop and turn around

"No you don't, you assume. You assume what I need. I'm guessing that's what your dad did huh? Taking after him now" viv snaps and I think Maya and I were both frozen in shock for a second

"You have ignored me for over a week! You know how that feels because your dad did it to you and yet here we are. You're just like him!" Viv yells, Maya is still frozen, not able to even move

"Viviana! Go to your room now. I don't want to hear anything else out of you" I say firmly and she rolls her eyes but goes to her room and slams the door in the process

I don't know what made her think it was okay to ever compare Maya and her father. She knows how Maya is about that.

Maya is so insecure about becoming her father. Which she is nothing like so I know she is hurting now

"Maya.... Bambina" I say softly and turn to her, she looked as if she was going to cry which made me want to as well

"I got to go to work" she says and goes to the door,  I quickly made my way over to her and stood in front of the door so she couldn't leave

"Move Carina" she sighs, she sounded defeated which hurt my heart even more

"No, I know what viv just said hurt you, but she's wrong. Maya you're nothing like your father" I say and Maya chuckles but rolls her eyes

"You're wrong" she says and goes to leave and this time I don't stop her, I know she is going to the station and I know there are people to help if she starts to spiral before I get there

And I also know me being upset at Viv is not going to help Maya right now so I needed to calm down before I did anything

Which is proven to be a lot harder than I thought, I don't know what happens to our sweet and kind daughter this past year, we have never had any problems out of viv

After a few minutes I was able to think straight so I went down to Vivianas room and she had her door locked

"Viviana Kate! Apri questa porta ora!" I say firmly and a few seconds later the door opens

{open this door now}

As soon as she opened the door and went to get back in bed

"I don't think so, let's go" I say and she just looks at me

"I'm serious. I don't have time to be playing these games with you" I tell her, my frustration was starting to show again

She listened and followed me out to the car, Mayas was still here which meant she ran to the station

The car ride was quiet, I didn't have anything to say to my daughter right now, I was too upset with her

As soon as we got to the station she followed me to Mayas office but of course Maya wasn't there

"You stay in here. Don't leave this office. You understand?" I ask viv and she nods

"Yea" she says and sits in one of the chairs in front of Mayas desk and I walk to the gym, knowing it's usually an easy way to find Maya

When I got there Andy, Vic and Travis were standing outside

"What's going on?" I ask as I approach them and then I seen Maya running on the treadmill, her face beat red and her legs seemed to be moving a hundred miles an hour

"Has she been doing this the entire time?" I asked and they nod

"Can one of you go sit with viv?" I ask them and Andy nods

"Not you.... I need you to help me with Maya" I whisper to her and Vic and Travis nod and leave us

"What happened?" Andy ask me

"Viv said something about Maya being like her father" I say and open the door to the gym without giving Andy time to respond

Maya didn't even look over at us so I walked to the front of the treadmill and her eyes still refused to meet mine

I knew she knew I was there I just didn't know how to get her to stop

"Can you cut it off?" I ask Andy

"I can't stop it completely without hurting her, especially if she has no meaning to stop" Andy says and I sigh

"Maya! Maya bambina look at me" I say and she doesn't but I was able to push a few buttons to make her slow down and eventually stop

"Look at me bella, not eyes forward look at me" I say and gently hold her face in my hands

Maya quickly looked around the room but relaxed when she seen Andy

"Good girl, it's okay. You're okay"I assure her and sit on the ground with her and I held her close to me as sobs racked through her body

"Close the blinds" I ask Andy and she does that, I know Maya will freak if there is anyway her team could see her

One of Mayas biggest fear was becoming her father, it took a lot of therapy for her to understand she is nothing like him...

"I'm a horrible mother Carina" she cries and I held her tighter to me

"No maya. You are an amazing mother. Viviana knows that too. She Is just being stubborn" I say

"No... I- I was ignoring her.... Not on purpose but I was... he did the same thing. I'm just like him" she says

"Maya you're not. Your father didn't care how he made you feel. You care so much for our bambina." I assure her and she tries to get away from me but I held her anyhow and Andy came and crouched down in front of her

"Maya you know as well as I do you are nothing like him. Think of all the steps you took to get past that. I admire you as a mother. When I took in Emma I had no idea what I was doing... not that I do now but still! I look at you and you're such a good mother. I wish I can be like you some day" Andy says, bringing tears to my eyes

Andy and Mayas relationship is unique but I love it. They are always there for each other even if they aren't getting along at the moment

Andy is the only one here that knows about Mayas past so I'm glad she stayed

"But... viv said" Maya says and I shake my head

"She was wrong: she is upset and she took that out on you. She knows your father is a weak spot and she took advantage of that. Viviana doesn't actually think you're anything like your father maya... she was just trying to hurt you" I say, I hate that she would try it but she did. And it worked

Maya was able to calm down and we eventually got out off the floor

"Where is she?" Maya ask me, I didn't know if it was such a good idea for be with viv right now but she is her mother

"She's in your office with Vic and Travis" I say and maya nods and walks out of the gym, leaving me and Andy alone

"What's going on to make viv think it was okay to say that maya?" Andy ask me and I sigh And shrug

"No idea, Andy she doesn't talk to us anymore. I didn't notice it much until she pointed it out. Ever since the hospital she won't talk with us about how she is feeling, she resents us for that" I say sadly

I didn't know that what we thought was helping her was Actually not.

To know that Viv has resented us for that for so long hurts, the hospital was  supposed to make her feel better but it seems that it did the opposite and now she is afraid to talk to us about that stuff anymore

I wish my mama were still alive... I could really use some advice

Till next time ❤️

Not how I wanted this to turn out but oh well-



Just Breathe (Marina)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora