Chapter 47

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Mayas POV

Carina and I just got home from the hospital, we haven't been home since yesterday,

There was a bunch of dried blood on the floor in the hallway,

"Im going to go check her bathroom and get rid of everything" I mumble and Carina nods and goes to the kitchen and back out with a bucket of water and a wash cloth. And sits in the floor in the hall

"I'll get this" she whispers and I lean down and kiss her head before going to vivs bathroom and room

There was a trail of blood all the way into the hall

That night we didn't even come back here, well I came and cut the shower off before we left but I didn't even process anything around me

Now looking. At everything made me feel sick, blood doesn't bother me, it never had but knowing that this is my daughters does, and knowing how it got there

I sighed and began to get everything cleaned up. I wanted her to come home to a clean environment

Once I finished cleaning all of it up I went through all of her drawers in the bathroom

Carina and I have never gone through anything of hers, not even her phone. But I wanted to make sure there wasn't anything she could hurt herself with anymore

I took everything sharp, including her razors and got rid of them,

Just as I was walking out of the bathroom Carina walked into the room with tear stained cheeks

I put the bag down that I had in my hand and walked over to her and wrapped my around around her waist

"It's all going to be okay" I assure her and she nods

Without talking anymore the both of us began to pick up and clean vivs room, which mainly consisted of putting clothes away

I was still upset with the comment Carina made earlier but I know that it's not going to do anyone any good

I got out my phone for the first time in a long time and seen an email from my boss. Chief Ripley

I have been waiting on this email, but now with everything going on I don't know if I will be able to be happy about it

I sighed and found Carina in our room and I sat down next to her

"I just got an email from Chief Ripley..... I applied for battalion chief, it's more pay, less danger. He wants to meet with me tomorrow" I tell her

"Maya that's good, you have wanted that" she says and I nod

"But I feel bad doing that when viv is in the hospital" I say and she grabs my hand

"Viv is safe. Maya I know it's hard and I hate it but we can't just stop everything for 5 days. See if you can meet in the morning then you can meet me at the hospital at 2 so we can see viv" she says and I nod and lay back on the bed

"Im scared" I admit, I hate talking about my feelings, even with Carina sometimes but right now I feel like my whole chest is going to explode

"About the job?" She ask and lays down on my chest

"No, about viv, im scared she is going to hate me, and resent me. Im scared she is going to try this again and next time she won't come to us. Im scared that I wont be able to help her" I admit and look up at the ceiling

"Oh Maya, I think a lot about that... but then I remember what Dr.Turner says and I know that viv will be okay, we know it's going to take a lot. That her coming home is not the end of it. She won't magically be cured. But I think after she is better, she will thank us" Carina says and I nod

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