Chapter 22

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Vivianas POV

It's Saturday now and Emma stayed last night,

I also found and charged my phone and seen that I had a bunch of calls and missed messages from Emma,

I felt really bad after realizing what I had done but its still been days since I have even seen Jade and she hasn't messaged me, she usually doesn't. Only if she needs the homework answers.

I woke up and rolled over to face away from Emma since I find looking into someone's face as you sleep is odd

As soon as  I was about to fall asleep my bedroom door opened

Im allowed to close it if Emma is here... dumb rules

"We have to get going bambina" mama says

"What? Why?" I ask, hiding my head under the cover since she had cut the light on

"I have to go to work so you are going to the station with mom" she says

"Can't I just stay here? Emma is here" I say and she sighs

"Let me talk to mom quick" she says and walks away

"Everything okay?" Emma mumbles

"Yea.. just my moms being unreasonable" I say and she opens her eyes and puts her hand on my arm

"Viv they are probably just worried... You running away and all" she says and I roll my eyes

"I didn't really run away... I'm still here" I tell her and she shrugs and mama comes back in the room

"You can stay.... But as soon as Emma leaves you go straight to the station Capisci?" Mama says and I nod

"Okay got it" I say

"Okay... love you bambina, both of you be good" mama tells us and we smile as she leaves

"Honestly your moms are amazing, they make me miss mine" Emma says and I roll over and look at her

"What happened?" I ssk

"She... she died in a car accident when I was, 8, that's when my dad started to get more strict with Me" she says, and by strict she means abusive but I don't want to say that

"I'm sorry bella" I say and she sighs

"It's okay, I mean I miss her but, I know being sad isn't going to being her back" she says and I wipe a stray tear out of her eyes and she moves and puts her head on my stomach, making me self conscious at first but then I run my fingers through her hair.

"That feels good" she laughs and I do the same and continue

Even if I was self conscious about my stomach having her laying on me was nice

I really don't know why but Im definitely enjoying this

"You better not fall asleep" I tell her

"I'm sleeeepppy" she pouts and I smile

"And hungry" she adds

"There's food in the kitchen" I say and she turns her head around and glares at me

"Okay fine let's go" I say and get out of bed,

Mama had already made breakfast for Emma and I and left it on the counter, even if I don't eat breakfast

I'm really grateful that she does this for me, I just hope it doesn't make her even more busy, I'm completely fine with eating cereal

I showed Emma where everything was and we sat down at the table

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