Chapter 40

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Vivianas POV

I have been waiting anxiously all morning, mom called her friend in social services and now we're waiting to here back about what she found out

I texted emma to see what she was doing today and she hasn't responded so I'm assuming she's just asleep

As I was laying in bed mom came and sat down next to me

"Did she call?" I ask mom

"She did, Mandy said that she talked to Emma but she denied it all, she seen the marks on her neck but with Emma refusing everything she can't do much. " mom says

"But the marks!" I exclaim

"I know sunshine." Mom soothes

"So even with her having the bruises she can't do anything?" I ask

"She can go see Emma again at a later date and if she continues to see more marks then she can continue an investigation" mom says

"That's so stupid! Why!" I groan and lay back in bed

"Sunshine I know. I do. But if Emma keeps denying everything..... they can't do a lot" mom says and I sigh and sit up to lean into her

"So it was all for nothing?" I ask

"No, because now mama and I know, and when Emma is here we can make sure she knows that we love her. And we can make sure she knows that she is safe when she is here" mom says and I nod

"Is she coming over today? If she is, mama wants to talk to her when she gets home" mom says and I shrug

"I don't know, she hasn't responded to my texts"
I sigh and mom kisses my head

"She will, I'm going out to call Andy, let me know if you need me" mom says and I nod and pick my phone up to see a message from Emma

Emma: we need to talk.

Viviana: what's wrong?

Emma: I think you know. I'll be over in 10 minutes

That's not good, she's always so warm in her messages, even the short ones

10 minutes later she texted me again

Emma: I'm outside

Viviana: you can just come in

Emma: just meet me out here

Now she was really scarring me, I didn't like this,  not one bit

"Where you going?" Mom ask

"Emma is here" I say

"Why isn't she coming in?" Mom ask and I shrug

"I don't know" I whisper and walk out in front of the apartment building and Emma was standing out here

"Bambina what's going on?" I ask her and she turns me around to face me and I could tell she was about to cry

"We have to breakup," she says

"What? Emma what are you talking about" I ask

"Viviana I'm done. I- I can't be your girlfriend anymore. I can't trust you" she says and I felt like my entire heart was shattering as she spoke

"Emma stop.... You don't mean that" I say

" yes I do.... Viviana I told you those things because I trusted you not to tell anyone. Do you know what's going to happen if social services decides to take me from my dad? I lose everything, the only family I have left" she says and I don't respond

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