Chapter 90

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(Super long chapter)
(Please read the note at the end)

Vivianas POV

6 years later

A lot has happened in the last 6 years, for starters, mom made fire chief, everyone is super proud of her. I for one am.

She deserves that position.

Our relationship is way better than I could have imagined it would be when I was a teenager. But I'm thankful for it

We try to go out to breakfast once a week, pending both of our schedules

Not that mine keeps me from anything

I decided to go into therapy, I work with teenagers that were like me, most of them don't know that though, it's not something I share but there are a few who are observant and have noticed the scar on my wrist,

When they ask about it, if they do, I'm always honest. How can I expect them to be honest with me if I'm not to them.

It was hard at first, and some days it still is but the job is worth it. I love being able to bring some hope into these kids lives

When Emma graduated highschool she went into the fire academy and has been at station 19 ever since, she just made lieutenant this year actually

I was always scared when mom went into fires but now especially with Emma, I definitely know how my mama felt.

Mama had sheltered me a lot from the fires when mom was working, I didn't realize that until I had a child of my own,

Emma and I talked a lot, a few years ago about having kids. I think we both wanted them but we were  both concerned about them being like us...

We didn't want our kids to grow up hating life, we didn't want them to ever experience the hurt we had with our selves. We didn't want to bring a life into the world that would just grow up hating it

So after a lot of conversations we went through with it, Emma didn't want to carry yet since she was just starting her career that involved her doing a lot of work

So 4 years ago I gave birth to our daughter Lucia,

Ortiz as a middle name, we chose that in honor of Emma's Birth mother,

unfortunately for her shes growing up in a household of three languages,

She didn't start talking in sentences until she was 2 and half,

It worried Emma and I a lot but her pediatrician told us that was normal in households that speak two languages, let alone 3.

Now she is taking English as her more dominant language but can still communicate in Italian and in Spanish, she knows what we are saying but it's not often you here her talk like that in a conversation with me and Emma

I'm really glad we decided to have a baby though, Lucia is the sweetest and she loves to make people smile or laugh

She also enjoys Italy a lot, we all go every summer and she has even met Gia, Who she adores very much

Which brings us to now, Emma is working, which leaves me home with Lucia since I'm off today

I got a three day weekend and Saturday we are all supposed to head to moms house for a dinner

"Mama!" Lucia exclaims and runs out to jump in my lap

"Hi bambina" I smile and kiss her head

"Can we go see mommy?" She ask me and tilts her head with a smile

Just Breathe (Marina)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora