Chapter 52

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Vivianas POV

I had therapy again, well of course I did it's everyday

What can they possibly accomplish everyday anyway

I have had 5 urges to cut since I have been home for 2 weeks

Most of them was at night but 2 happened during the day, and usually at night when they happen mom will just stay in my room

I have seen Emma a few times, she is coming to the station with me today,

It's also the first time I have been to the station since everything, I have chosen to go with mama to the hospital when she works because the people there already know what happened

The people at the station don't, and while I don't have my stitches anymore and my arm isn't bandaged there is still a scar that goes up my wrist

Mama said some hot shot plastic surgeon did my stitches which is why my scar isn't as bad as it could have been

"Starai bene bambina, Prendilo piano e ricorda che tutti sono dalla tua parte" mama tells me before me and mom leave and I nod

{You will be fine, take it slow and remember that everyone is on your side}

"Se vuoi che venga a prenderti in qualsiasi momento, chiama" mama says and I smile

{if you want me to pick you up at anytime,call}

"Thank you" I tell her and she smiles and kisses my head

"You don't need to thank me, I'm your mama. It's what I do" she smiles

The three of us then left the house, mama went to the hospital and me and mom to the station

She got promoted to battalion chief. She didn't tell me at first because she didn't want to take the focus off me and that hurt.

I hated that she was suppressing her achievements for me

On a brighter note, she gets to stay at station 19. Instead of having to move. And also Andy is the new captain

"I still have an office. If you need a break or just want to sit in there all day it's okay" mom says and I nod

We got there really early so no one was here yet and mom and I went to her new office

"It looks good in here" I say and she nods, it was bigger than the old one

It didn't take long for everyone to show up

"Do you want to come?" She ask and I shake my head

"Can I lay down?" I ask her

It was just reaching 7 am and I was so tired

"Yea of course, I'll be back soon" she says and I nod and lay down in her bunk with the blanket I had brought with me


I woke up about 2 hours later and got out of my moms bunk and she was sitting at her desk

"Hey sleepyhead" mom says and I yawn, the blanket still wrapped around me

"What time is Emma coming?" She ask me

"Not till later, she's not a morning person" I say and mom nods and someone knocks on her door

"Come in" she says and Tia walks in, clearly surprised to me

"Oh my god! You're here! I have missed you so much mija" she says and I smile and stand up to hug her

"Where have you been?" She Ask me and I tighten the blanket around me since I wasn't wearing my sweatshirt and my still red scar would be visible

"Just with mama" I tell her and she nods

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