Chapter 85

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Vivianas POV

Emma and I are still together but she has to go home tomorrow, Andy won't let her stay more than three nights in a row with us, dumb rule, and since she had been here the past two nights she has to leave tomorrow

Mom is still being very distant with me

She hadn't even had more than a few conversations all weekend.

Mama is the other way around, she has spent some time with me and Emma when she is not working. I have definitely been appreciating the time I get with her

Mom is gone again now, for some reason she has been working more. Mama said it was because they are short on people but I don't know

Mama is also at work, they have started leaving me alone with Emma again and I really appreciate that. I don't like being treated as if I was a toddler

We have been awake for a little bit but haven't moved out of bed,

"You want to go get brunch?" I ask her and she nods

"That sounds good princesa" she tells me and sits up and covers her chest up with a blanket

"You know where my bra went?" She ask me and I laugh

"Somewhere on the floor" I say and she just glares at me before smiling

"Get up and get dressed" she tells me and throws a pillow at me and gets out of bed

"Fine" I express and get out of bed to quickly get dressed

Once we were both ready we left the house and walked down the street to a diner that we used to go to all the time

We walked in and sat down in a booth in the back

As we were looking over the menu our waitress came up to us, only we definitely recognized her

"Viv.... I haven't seen you in a while" she says and I sigh

"Hi Jade" I say while Emma just stares at her

"How have you been?" She ask me

"I've been good. Thanks" I say, hopeful she will get the hint and stop talking

She did, thankfully and we ordered

"I don't like her" Emma says as soon as she leaves and I laugh

"I know, you made that clear last time" I chuckle and she laughs too

"Have you ever talked to her since that day in the park?" Emma ask me

"I think once," I say and she nods

"I love you" she says and I smile

"I love you more" I say and Jade brings our drinks over and walks away again

We just laughed to ourselves before talking until our food came


Emma and I just left the diner and are walking back to my place hand in hand, I liked getting out of the house with Emma, she makes me feel better.

"I am going to see my dad" Emma says out of no where and I stop walking

"What?" I ask

"I need to see him, I asked your mom to look into it when we got back from Italy and Tuesday I am going" Emma says and we continue to walk

"Why would you want to do that? He put you in the hospital emma" I say and she sighs.

"Look I know how you feel about him but he's my dad, either way. I want to be free from him. I want to tell him I'm happy, I want to tell him that I'm safe. Even if he won't care." She says and I sigh

Even if I disagree completely with this I still need to support her

"Just be safe okay? Don't do anything that could hurt you" I say and she smiles

"I'll be okay. I promise" she says and I nod and we continue walking back to the house


Mama didn't show up until almost dinner time but she sat with Emma and I on the couch

"How was work?" I ask her as I was leaning into Emma

"It was good, how was your day?" She asked us

"Same, we went to that diner down the street" I explain and mama smiles

"I'm glad the two of you got out of the house" she chuckles

The three of us continued to watch the movie we were on until mom came home

"Hi love" mama smiles and they quickly kiss

"Hi girls" mom says and walks back the hall

"Im going to head to bed with mom, I love you both" mama tells us and kisses both of our heads before leaving too

"Is your mom okay?" Emma ask me and I roll my eyes

"She's been so stand offish for a while, it's honesty getting on my nerves" I say snd stand up and cut the tv off before Emma and I went back to my room

"She's been in a mood since I refused to go to the station," I scoff and get into bed with emma, we weren't going to sleep yet just watching tv

"She won't talk to you?" Emma questions and I shake my head

"I get a few words a day and that's all." I say and she frowns

I want to say it doesn't bother me but it does. I don't deserve the silent treatment from my mom no matter how mad she is at me

"I'm sorry Princesa" Emma says and I shrug

"It's fine."


Emma had to go home today, which sucks. She is also going to see her dad tomorrow and which is kind of scary to think about but if that's what she wants then I can't stop her

Also, both of my moms work today which also means mom is having a fit about me staying home

Mama is okay with me staying home alone, but mom likes to control everything and is not getting her way

I am already awake because of Emma leaving so I decided to walk out to my moms,

Once I did they stopped arguing and I walked over to mama and she wrapped her arms around me

"I want to stay home" I say and mama kisses my head

"Why should we let you do that?" Mom ask

"Wow...A whole sentence? That's new" I scoff

"You barely have spoken to me since me being grounded but now you get to make the decisions?" I ask

"You act like you know what I'm going through but you don't. I tell you I'm fine and you don't believe me. What else do you want from me?" I ask

"You're not fine Viviana but you never talk to me. I can ask over and over and you just won't open up so what more do you want me to do?" Mom ask

"I don't open up because what happened the last time I did? You took all of my privacy away. You put me in the hospital! That's not what I needed. I needed you both and you just left me" I say stepping away from mama

"Bambina" mama sighs

"We did as the doctors recommended. We came to see you every day" mom says and I chuckle

"Because the doctors only did what they do for all attempt cases right? Lock them up in Psych for a week? Did that make you feel better? Acting like you were doing something to help me? You act like you know what I need but you don't" I say and go to move away from both of them

"I do know what you need" mom says and I stop and turn around

"No you don't, you assume. You assume what I need. I'm guessing that's what your dad did huh? Taking after him now"

Till next time❤️

The ending is not how I had first imagined it.....

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