Chapter 60

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Vivianas POV

"Viviana! Let's go" mom yells and I sigh and walk out to the living room

It's been 3 days since I last seen Emma, she got moved again to a different home

However in this home she said her foster parents were nice but their older son gave her the creeps which worried me but there is nothing we could do

Right now though, we are heading to the station for a little welcome home party for the baby

Travis and Emmett had a little girl named Ella ,  we got to see pictures but we finally get to meet her today,

I absolutely love babies so I'm excited for this

"I'm coming!" I tell mom and her and mama we already waiting on me

"Have you heard from Emma today?" Mama ask and I shake my head

They are so protective over her, I honestly love the relationship my moms have had with Emma, I'm glad Emma trust them enough too

"She would be better with us" I tell them and they sigh

"Bambina you know we can't" mama says and I nod

"I know" I mumble but follow my moms out of the apartment

When we got to the station it was already pretty much decorated, it looked really good

"I wish you and mom would have another baby" I tell mama

"We don't need another baby right now, and we're getting older bambina. We won't be able to have them for long" mama says

"I'm fine mama, I know you guys put it off because of me but I'm fine, and a baby could be a good thing" I tell her and she smiles and kisses my head

"I love you bella" she says

"I love you too mama" I tell her

We didn't have to wait long before Travis was walking into the beanery carrying the baby car seat

"Congratulations!" Everyone exclaims quietly, careful not to scare the baby and he smiles with Emmett right behind him

Tia and vic ran over to them immediately after washing their hands and carefully got Ella out of her car seat and she cuddled up to them immediately

The klaxon ended going off making her scream, vic regretfully handed the baby to Travis and along with the rest of the team went to get ready

"Do you want to hold her?" Travis ask me after the baby had calmed down

I smiled and nodded and washed my hands before walking over to him and he carefully put the baby in my arms and mama came over to us

"See mama? You're telling me you don't miss this?" I ask her and she smiles and shakes her head

I handed the baby back to Travis since it was getting late and I'm sure they wanted to go home

"It was night meeting you Tiny baby" I smile and she grips my finger

"Bye uncle Trav!" I smile and give him a hug and  me and moms went home

When we got home I went to my room and I could hear my moms arguing in the kitchen

I stopped listening to them and texted Emma, I missed her

While I was texting emma I got a message from Andrea too

Andrea: hey kid! I'm free tonight and figured I would try and spend it with my favorite niece, I heard there is a cool movie out tonight?

Just Breathe (Marina)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora