Chapter 32

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Vivianas POV

It's Monday now and Emma had to go home yesterday but Gabriella is still here

Mama doesn't make me leave my room now when she is Over, I guess she got tired of our bickering

Speaking of mama she is off today so I get to stay home to do my school work instead of having to go to the station or to the hospital

"Hey, Gabriella won't be here until lunch, you want me to make French toast?" Mama ask and I smile

"If you want" I say and she shakes her head

"I swear you're the most indecisive child ever" she laughs and I smile

"Come on" she says and I follow her to the kitchen and sit on one of the bar stools

"Mama?" I say and she looks to me

"Sí" she replies

"Mi manchi e mi dispiace di essere stato difficile ultimamente" I whisper and she smiles

{I miss you, and I'm sorry I have been difficult lately}

Speaking in Italian was always something mama and I bonded over,

"Devi smettere di scusarti per il fine settimana," she says and I nod

{ you have to stop apologizing for the weekend}

"Mi manca il nostro tempo di legame troppo dolce ragazza, possiamo averlo oggi" she says and I nod

{I miss our bonding time too sweet girl, we can have it today}

Mama finished breakfast and we ate on the couch together and she told me about how whenever mom comes to the hospital she avoids Jo still

"Yea.... Sorry about that" I say

"It's okay, I'm glad you trusted her enough to go to her" mama says and I smile

"You're a pretty good mom" I say and she laughs

"You and mom should have another baby" I say and she smiles

"We talked about it" she says

"Seriously? I really wanna baby in the house" I say excitedly and she chuckles

"Don't get too excited, it was just one conversation and you know how your mom is," she says

"Don't worry I'll start dropping hints that I want a sibling" I say

"Good!" She says and I lean into her

"So... you and Emma have gotten really close, are you " she starts and I groan

"Mama!" I protest

"We aren't having sex" I say and she nods

"I know, but I also know it's going to happen, and before it does your mom and I would like you to come to us when you're ready" she says and I nod and lean into her arm.

We were able to watch a little tv until the door opened and Gabriella walked in

"Ever heard of knocking before walking into someone else's house?" I ask and this time mama doesn't reprimand me

"Shouldn't you be in school?" She ask me

"Gabriella" mama. Warns and I smirk

"Go do your work" mama says and I nod and go back to my room and log on to get my work done


Since Emma is out of school I told her i would meet her at the park since I didn't want to come back to the apartment with Gabriella still here

Just Breathe (Marina)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora