Chapter 12

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Vivianas POV

I'm back at school today, which sucks- I tried to get mom to let me stay home but of course she said no

I have English today though, I like that class

My teacher is amazing, she is always recommending books for me to read

And did I mention she's hot too? Yea-

Currently in English, reading my own book which is starting to get sad. And I hate that when I'm in a good mood,

Sad stories are good when I'm already sad

I eventually had to stop because my teacher started teaching and I was paying attention to her and she came up to me when she was done

"Have you thought about taking honors next year?" She ask me,

I have, but, I figured if I just take the regular English then it will be an easy grade

"Yea a little" I tell her and she smiles

"I think you should do that, you'll be bored in a normal class" she says and I nod

"I'll think about it" I tell her

After that class I headed off to gym,

I hate gym

Well... not so much the gym aspect I guess- wait- never mind yea it is

I love my teacher, she's amazing, but we have to do the weight room and it's honestly the worse

I stand by myself in the corner holding the dumbbells the entire time

And my teacher is aware of how much I hate it, I do tell her every chance I get

Once gym was over I went to math

I was already kind of having a bad day now , I noticed one of my grades dropped from that test I took and I know I'm going to be in trouble when I get home,

We have this different teacher for our math class since ours just had a baby, or his wife did anyhow

She was cool and all but a terrible teacher, she could not explain anything

"I quit" I tell her she was making us walk around the room and do these problems we don't understand

"No, you can't quit" she smiles

"I do, it's stupid" I tell her and she laughs along with some students around us

"Can't I just have a paper to do?" I ask

"Ms.Lance made it" she says

"I don't even know who that is" I tell her, I'm tired and just wanted to go home

"What? She's amazing" she says and I sigh and go sit down at my desk, I told her I quit

After that dumb class I had Spanish

Which I hated I listened and tried to write down as much as possible until the bell rang and I got to go home

When I got home no one was there, but mom should be home soon

Mayas POV

I got a notification earlier that viv failed another one of her test, the first time we let it slide, she's a good kid, good student and sometimes everyone has their mishaps

The second time, we talked about but in the end and let it slide

But this is the third test she has failed in the same subject

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