I am not a TOY! (MK Angst)

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(At this point. You're all cursed to suffer with me..)

MK was thrown foward, he stumbled as he tried to look around with the short seconds he knew he barely had.

"Keep it movin' kid!" MK winced as a strong hand grabbed under his arm and pulled him foward. Chains rattled at his hands, he was utterly useless.
The dark corridor wasn't lit up by anything, it was simply dark and weirdly enough.. hot?

"Don't even try to do anything..I'll just be worse." MK was thrown into something cold. The door was slammed closed and MK sighed as his ears rung.

He flicked his tail and wrapped it around his ankle. His ears shifting back and forth trying to find were the various yelling and cheering was coming from, but he couldn't pin point it. It was coming from all around, it echoed endlessly.

MK closed his eyes and focused, he breathed in and out softly, focusing on trying to use his golden eyes. He opened his eyes and was met with the welcoming gold glow of his mentors powers.
And he was shocked to see not only demon's around him, but there was humans, here and there.

Now MK knew why he was chained with something that not only drained his powers but his telepathic community with his mentor.

He was in a fighting ring.
The problem was, who was he going against?
What demon was it?
The size..
The ability.

He was even more weaker against his unknown opponent because he didn't know who.
He just knew he was in serious trouble of being either killed or maliciously beat.

Which in this case, and any case, was just horrible!!

"Gents, gals, demon's, humans, all kinds of breeds...we welcome you!!.." MK's cage rattled as he felt himself being lifted up, his gold vision flickered as a sheet of tiredness was placed over him.

"The ultimate. The legend..!" A trapdoor opened above MK and he looked down and dirt and dust rained down onto his hair and clothes, the cheering had become extremely louder.

"The Mystical Monkie Kidddddd!!" Now the cheering turned into 'booos!'

The opposite of a positive cherr.
It didn't shock MK that he was being put down like this, he had indeed defeated various demon's in his short period. Claiming himself a bad name to the demon's and even some humans..

"The chains around his wrists and ankles deprive him of power. So the opponent will be able to fight without worrying of having they're powers taken away...such a disgusting treasure." MK looked around panicked as he felt even more horrible.

There was so many people here, soany to come and get him as he lies here weak as a pea.

MK realized what the person through the speaker had said and frowned, "Wait! I don't steal powers though??" But he wasn't heard. He was simply shut out.

"Now... we welcome you.." A loud drum roll rolled around and people and demon's hit their legs as they themselves served as the drums.

"Our fellow Shay... devious, buetiful, handsome, and most of all!" A big gate opened and MK physically swallowed as he stumbled back as much as he could with his chained ankles.

"The most deadly champion in out stadium tonight." The gate fully opened and MK could see only a slim man.

He was fairly dark skinned, it looked like chocolate if MK were to focus more but he couldn't, the man simply smiled and his hands clasped together in front of him.

"That's Shay..?" MK asked himself as he tilted his head. He blinked and his gold vision dawned over him.

That's when he saw the horror of something he thought was near impossible.

It was her. She was Shay...or Shay was nothing but a puppet, MK realized.

"Looks like the Monkie Kid is...scared! Haha! Never thought I would love to see the name. What da ya say Dan?" MK held his breath without knowing as he tried to step back again.

"Looks like the little dudes got some issues now, ain't I right!" The crowd laughed and MK tried to swallow but felt himself stopping as his entire air was sharp ice now.

He didn't want to breath in. He simply couldn't..

"Poooor Monkie.." She cooed through Shay's voice. It was eari, cold, sharp. Just like he remembered.

"You didn't listen to my warning."

MK didn't see what happend next because Shay's body moved at speeds he hasn't achieved.

The same speed she used when she fought Wukong in the air that night..
MK shook his head as he was thrown to the floor from behind him, frost appeared on his white shirt. It felt colder than what it was suppose to.

She laughed and it echoed in MK's head. "Get out!" He groaned. Hands shot to the side of his head and he dug his nails into his scalp as he tried to actually scratch her out of his head.

"But I'm right here." MK looked up and saw Shay's body standing right in front of him. Fear stuck him down and MK was no longer able to move.

MK felt as if his whole body was in snow. He wasn't able to move and his entire body felt utterly cold. The cold you wished you never felt ever because of how painful it was to even breath in.
"I didn't think I would've found you here so quickly."

Of course she had planned this. She's always several steps ahead, too much to the point MM froze when he felt a scratching bitter cold creel into his head.

He gasped in pain as his hands started to dig into his scalp again. His eyes screwed shut in pain and his body surged foward with stamina he didn't want.

And his vision darkened.

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