Coming Out pt2

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I wasn't rrl wanting to make a pt2..but I've been meaning to update this book a little more too)

This will contain some fluff cause I need it and I can't fucking think, my minds fuzzy af rn)

"MK? Kid you still in there?" It was Pigsy. How long had MK been inside the restroom..when did he even get here in the first place.

That doesn't matter.

"Yeah- I'm just..taking a long bath today!" MK rubbed his eyes as he yawned. "Alright but it's like 5 in the morning kid. You shouldn't be awake this early too," MK felt annoyance ripple inside him.

He remembered how he got here.

He had woken up. Walked to the restroom and stayed there. He wasn't able to sleep, he didn't know why.

Was it the ongoing nightmare that he had every night.

Was it the on going fear of rejection and abandonment.

Was it the stupid hunger he ft each time he even dared think about food...

"MK! Kid it's been an hour. You're starting to worry me now.." MK felt himself panic as his stomach sunk.

He had been inside that long..was he overthinking the whole time- what had happend..he doesn't remember. Now now. Not again he was going to answer but Pigsy interrupted again.

"MK answer me or I'll break this door off it's hinges." MK wiped his face and he hurried over to the door. Twisting the know he saw how worried Pigsy actusly looked like. "Kid you're going to give me a heart attack if you do this again!" MK smiled awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Pigsy sighed but put a hand on MK's shoulder. MK stiffened and he watched as Pigsy gave a worried glance.

"Are you...having the episodes again?.."

MK felt his whole body tense this time. His stomach instantly sinked and he felt his face pale..his hands started to shake as he hide them behind his back.

"Why do you ask?" MK forced the words into a straight sentence. He could hear the waver in his tone..and Pigsh frowned at it. Making MK dig his nails into his palm as he couldn't physically pull his hair to relive the stress.

"Because Mei has to keep coming over..this has only happend at the beginning of the year." MK forced his smile up as his chest became tighter and breathing became a harder task. "No. It's not that. I just want to show her some of my drawings and I have to many a-and I really need to go to sleep. I'll see you-" MK was about to move past Pigsy. But the pig blocked the door completely ...

MK didn't want to meet his gaze. He knew he was going to get a deathly glare..and it'll make things so much worse. "Please kid. If anythings wrong..tell me. Please." MK blinked the tears away as he bit his lip. He was looking away from Pigsy and he could feel the grip around his arm slip
MK walked away with no more words. Afraid if he said anything else Pigsy would just keep him back and question him more.

It wasn't that MK was annoyed with this.

He was annoyed at the fact he isn't talking to someone about this. was starting to get bad. Why now?! Why at this stupid time.

" breath.." MK forced his nails digging into his palms to stop and rest them on his head. It was better if he pulled at his hair instead damaging his palms.

And soon after. He started pulling his hair as he felt tears run down his face, he was lying back down on the bed. He forgot how he got here, he forgot everything.

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