Pet•Light SpicyNoodles•

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(After the last one- I felt rrl bad for it. So here we are...And of course...theres-)

"Red Son!!" MK yelled out as he entered the big obsidian castle.

After the defeat of the Lady Bone Demon, MK was able to walk into the castle without needing a weapon in his hand.
He was welcomed.

It still felt odd to just watz in but it felt nice knowing you wouldn't be attacked just because your the successor of a great deity.

"Noodle boy-?" The accent was thick and it came from a room MK still couldn't see, he knew it was the room were Red Son kept all his mechanical wiring stuff.
MK wasn't allowed into the room though.

"I have a suprise!" MK simply said as he rubbed the corner he saw the glass door was wide open, the smell off metal and oil was strong and disturbing.
MK didn't mind it.

Red Son wiped his forehead with his sleve, his hands were covered with some gloves as black oil tinted the tip of the gloves, "Why the box?" Red Son asked as he saw the box MK was holding tightly.

MK watched how Red Son took off the gloves and tossed then onto a table somewhere for it to be found later. Red Son walked up to MK and tries to peek inside the box but it was closed, occasional holes here and there covered the top.

"It's a surprise I said. Come I want to show you the suprise back in your room." MK smiled brightly, a small tint of blush covered Red Son's face and he cleared his throat before walking.

MK followed and quickly recognized the way they were going, the hallway only became smaller and MK felt like he was back into a normal hallway.
The ceiling wasn't hundreds of feet tall anymore and it felt less hot in this side of the castle.

It's the only reason MK liked Red Son's room alot. It was cold inside but Red Son made it warm in a nice way with his presence.

"Go in." Red Son said. He didn't have a snarky tone at all, it was more calm and collected. The only tone that MK's ears have heard and no one else, MK walked into the room. He placed the box on the bed, and turned around to see Red Son walking over to the bed too.

"Going to tell me what's inside?" MK exhaled slowly and his smile widened. It was deemed impossible to Red Son, that someone could smile to brightly and big...but MK made sure the impossible was possible.

"Open it!" At last.

Red Son would be given the satisfaction of knowing what was inside the unknown box.

"What-" Red Son was shocked to see a pretty black cat.
The black cat quickly let out multiple meows before purring, Red Son recognized the sound.

It was a way to feel safe and tell other they're safe.

Red Son knew himself because he would occasionally do the action without meaning too..

"I haven't named them." MK said and he sat on the bed, the black cat jumped out of the box and onto the bed. It quickly made itself a safe little spot and lied down. The purring became louder and more softer in a way.. it made a small smile appear on Red Son's face.

"Miki.." Red Son simply said. MK smiled and nodded. "Why that name?"

Red Son didn't want to admit it..but it held the letters, 'MK' in the.. Miki..

It was a nice name.
It had a nice ring to it.

"I don't know."

(I want a cat I'm trying so hard not to sob :( </3)

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