Yearly Report - Year 1

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I don't know what to say about this book still doing numbers. I just started this as a "funny" inspired by another book similar to this.

But, uh, since it's almost this book's one year anniversary so here's an anniversary chapter, I guess (I think, I forgor this was made way back in February 2022).

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Announcement - "To all ships, I'm so fucking done with this. It's been a year of this nonsense and Arbiter is my breaking point. No, not my breaking point in bed."

Arbiter III - "Yes, we can sleep together. No, I won't fuck you for babies. Don't ask again or you're sleeping on the couch."

Enterprise - "Did I not tell you a year ago to stop waterboarding Zuikaku? We're going to cut off the water supply in the base because of you."

Hornet - "That Doolittle Raid Incident wasn't funny, so stop forging my signature on documents I will obviously say no to. And for the love of god, don't strap a B83 Thermonuclear Bomb to your B83 bombers."

New Jersey - "As I said with the movie Battleship, Titanic II is also fake. There was never a second Titanic. It would end horribly, so stop asking me to recreate one for the base."

North Carolina - "Everyone knows of your erotic fetish towards bunnies. And yes, everyone knows you tried to buy a bad dragon and attempted to kidnap one of the Benson girls. Stop. It. Now."

Vestal - "Remember when I asked you to stop giving me 50 packs of Adderall pills everyday a year ago? I'm not asking you to stop now, please give me them every single hour of the day."

Bismarck - "I want your signed copy of Mein Kampf, I changed my mind because I'm starting to hate how rowdy those Northern Parliament girls are sometimes."

Prinz Eugen - "I know I said this to you a year ago, but to reiterate: just because the base calls our asylum, "Camp Concentrate," doesn't mean you sent all the Royal Navy and Iris Libre destroyers and cruisers there. I will have Prince of Wales drag you into her room for punishment."

Deutschland - "I still don't want a nazi flag in my room, even when I want Mein Kampf from Bismarck. And I still don't know why you even have so many. Just why? How?"

Akashi - "You still inflate the tier 3 and tier 4 crate prices. Keep it up and I'll have Shiranui scare you for a year."

Akagi - "I know Alashi agreed to build those Ohka planes, but let me tell you that she is lying when she said she got my signature to approve it. It was forged by Hornet. Again."

Unicorn - "AGM-114 Hellfire Missiles are still not allowed on propeller planes. This includes any nuclear bombs, I know that look in your eyes. Is Javelin telling you all this?"

Shiranui - "When I give the word, scare Akashi into retirement so we can have a free economy."

Ark Royal - "Your actions have been deemed too horrible to let you go from the asylum. You're staying there for the foreseeable future."

Sheffield - "Edinburgh filed a restraining order against you for constant erotic roleplay, so please stop ripping up those papers and saying it doesn't matter."

Belfast - "Ever since Monarch realized you've been spiking her tea with laxatives, she's been wary of you. This doesn't mean you continue to do it as an act of dominance."

Long Island - "How are you even streaming? And why do you keep playing violent games where everyone throws slurs at each other? No, this does not count Team Fortress 2."

Yorktown - "Enterprise caught you moving nuclear bombs to your carrier, I can assume this relates to what you said last year, correct? If so, I'm dry-docking you."

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