Weekly Report - Week 2

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Announcement - "To all royal navy and iris libre shipgirls, please be wary of being around Prinz Eugen, she'll try and bring you to "Camp Concentrate" to give you a "tour" of the showers.

Mikasa - "Get with the times, world war one and two ended years ago, stop attacking dragon empery girls."

Admiral Hipper - "I appreciate you trying to stop your sister, but that doesn't mean you toss her in the shower to "have a smell of her own medicine."

Bismarck - "You saying "The death of one is the start, the death of six million is progress." doesn't justify the atrocities of world war two."

Cleveland - "It's not wise to try and drink oil just because your engines run on it. Z23 did it and now she's in a coma."

Sheffield - "When I ask for a hand, I don't literally mean a severed hand. How did you even get it?"

Edinburgh - "Do not encourage your sister's antics."

Belfast - "One more unfunny lesbian joke about Enterprise and Zuikaku and I'm sending you to Camp Concentrate."

Enterprise - "No, you're not like hawkeye, you're as shit at aiming as the average call of duty player."

Takao - "Stop saying you're the self-proclaimed "reincarnation of Vergil", you are anything but him."

Atago - "You're not the "reincarnation of Dante", stop humoring your sister."

Queen Elizabeth - "You're not the Queen Elizabeth, you're not even invincible like her."

Warspite - "I think it should go without saying that asking someone to put a collar around you so you can "pretend to be a dog" is not okay. Why do I feel like you bought that collar from Akashi?"

Ayanami - "You shouldn't listen to either Laffey or Javelin when she says she has a fun kid's game to play."

Laffey - "Russian roulette is NOT a fun kid's game."

Javelin - "Don't call pushing other destroyers off a cliff and seeing who can last the longest in a ocean full of sharks a "game for everyone."

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