Weekly Report - Week 23

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Announcement - "Yorktown's trial has come to an end. The verdict conclusion is that she is to be dry docked for fifteen years and sentenced to solitary confinement in Camp Concentrate. To those who protested against it, which we know who you two were, please stop persisting."

Enterprise - "Jesus christ, don't go protesting about freeing Yorktown and how being skinny should be the norm. I don't think many of the more "developed" shipgirls would take kindly to that."

Hornet - "Bombaring the asylum won't do you good. In fact, it'll just make me want to tie you up and have Makigumo and Akigumo shoot torpedoes at you."

Washington - "We have received complaints of a creepy shipgirl that has a terrifying smile. Please, just don't smile ever in your life again."

BB Laffey - "To rest your prowess as a battleship, you shouldn't try going against Hiei for a "round two at of Guadalcanal," I'm pretty sure she learned her lesson from the first round with you and Sterett."

Sterett - "I know you were the one that convinced Laffey to fight Hiei again. Stop instigating fights."

North Carolina - "It seems you didn't heed my warning. Now everyone knows why you're in the hospital with two broken legs and your front turrets "magically" destroyed."

Akashi - "For your information, a meth lab is illegal. I don't know why you asked me that... unless you are making one. You aren't, right?"

Roon - "Cosplaying as Jack the Ripper isn't fun. You're terrorizing the destroyers and they think you'll kill them."

King of Wales - "After some disputes, you've been crowned as king. As such, you are to take care of any sort of debt Elizabeth accumulated in her life. If you're wondering how much her debt is, look up the total debt of the US."

Belfast - "I see you spying on Enterprise. Actually, everyone has. You're a pretty bad liar."

Friedrich Der Grosse - "Yes, I'm going to therapy. If you're wondering, it's mostly because of Roon, Akagi, and Taihou. Go figure all three of them are the reason."

Queen Charybdis - "As funny as it is, we won't demote Elizabeth to the kitchen to replace the cutting boards. I highly doubt she'll accept it. Plus, she's a battleship, she'll basically destroy you in a battle."

Princess Elizabeth - "Don't take it the wrong way. I did defend you in saying it'd be wrong for you to be a cutting board. It was difficult to talk about it, so my argument was seen as being serious. Not sorry."

Monarch - "You've been giving Belfast a hard death stare. I would be concerned, but all of us know you both would kill each other."

Chaser - "You are the best carrier. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Although, this doesn't mean you go bragging that to Enterprise. Her ego is already tanking because of her going on a horrendous diet to be skinny."

Ark Royal - "We are so close to just scrapping you. Seriously, how many destroyers are you going to terrorize before the self realization kicks in?"

Illustrious - "We don't know how your tits were reduced in size, but it doesn't mean you go around with a knife trying to do the same to others. It's rather terrifying."

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