Weekly Report - Week 31

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This book being #1 in the #azurlane tag says a lot about this fandom... kind of.

Don't know how to react. So I put this here to show off my complete, honest and genuine reaction.


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Announcement - "To all ships, congratulations on the successful drill practices. Unfortunately it will be our first and last one because some girls can't keep their hands to themselves."

Ark Royal - "We let you out the camp on the basis you'll reform. Now we see that is a complete lie."

Belfast - "I do apologize for the death threats being sent to you. If anything, it was probably the work of Queen Charybdis."

Drake - "There comes a point in time where one should realize pirates are a thing of the past. You, for one, should know this and stop terrorizing the girls."

Plymouth - "No you can't just go around acting like a big sister to everyone. One Atago is enough."

Princess Elizabeth - "I know you're the one sending all those complaints about Queen Charybdis. Complaining won't make you queen again."

Cheshire - "Cats love fur balls? Yes, they do. Fireballs on the other hand they do not like. DO NOT."

Monarch - "You have been promoted to flagship of the royal navy. Even though you have beef with Belfast, I think we can all get together."

Duke of York - "Queen Charybdis has set a specific diet for you. Breaking it will result in punishment if we catch you drinking blood again."

Dido - "I don't think it's fair you decided to spar with Ayanami in the drill. Her sword is a pea compared to your giant fuck of a sword. She almost got cut in half!"

Queen Charybdis - "The enactment of a curfew was unnecessary. Most of the girls go to sleep on time, so I know you're targeting Elizabeth with this."

Formidable - "There is a limit to what a propeller plane can carry. For starters, a B61 thermonuclear gravity bomb is beyond its limit."

Hood - "You've been hanging around Ironblood for a concerning amount of time. Should we be concerned?"

King George V - "Oh, your request to dig up Excalibur? Why yes I did see it. Unfortunately, I just didn't care."

Prince of Wales - "I do not remember last night, but I do remember not making you my wife. Where did you even get the ring with my name?!"

Illustrious - "I think it's been said before that ww2-era carriers can't handle a Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. Not only did it crash through your ship, all 9 of them were sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Did you know each cost $117.3 million?"

Victorious - "Your request to add CIWS to carriers has been revoked. Why? Well, the eagle union isn't keen on sharing that type of weaponry."

Enterprise- "As per your request, your flight deck has been remade and outfitted with a special, state of the art heat resistant coating Thermion. This isn't because you want to have fight jets, is it?"

Cleveland - "I am pleased to say you are the only shipgirl to be competent in the drill training. Congrats on that but please don't try drinking oil again."

Montpelier - "Slander is one thing. Gaslighting, on the other hand, is punishable by death hugs from Atago."

Hornet - "LSD is no joke. This doesn't mean you joke around about taking them. It's bad enough Ark Royal was caught with drugs months ago."

Washington - "I'm glad your improving your smile. I recommend less teeth though, you'll look less like a deranged psychopath and more of just a psychopath."

Laffey - "Have someone like you fight Yamato isn't a fair fight. Do I have to remind you what you did to Hiei?"

South Carolina - "Our budget has a limit. Stop with the purchases of carrots and bunny suits, please."

Little Enterprise - "If you are anything like Enterprise, I fear for the entire eagle union."

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