Weekly Report - Week 3

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Announcement - "To all shipgirls, Belfast has been reprimanded and detained. She will be sent to Camp Concentrate until further notice, under the surveillance of Prinz Eugen.

Roon - "Our definitions of "eliminating the enemy" is obviously different."

Ark Royal - "We expected you were going to be the first person in the asylum. What we didn't expect was your closet having a shrine of all the destroyers and a dresser full of "toys". I'm not joking, what the fuck is wrong with you?"

Belfast - "Stay in that shower and think about what you've done, have fun with that deranged cruiser."

Nagato - "This isn't the 1940s, firing squads are not legal in multiple places, stop coercing shipgirls to be apart of yours."

Enterprise - "Don't trust Yorkown, attaching a AGM-181 LRSO nuclear-air launched cruise missile to a centuries old Douglas SBD Dauntless will only result in nuclear distaster."

Yorktown - "You won the title of "Worst older sister of the year", how do you feel?"

Akashi - "It's illegal to start your own underground black market, let alone a new form of crypto currency called "Aka-Coins."

Graf Zeppelin - "No matter how many times you ask, no matter how many times you beg for it, I won't let you nuke the world because you feel like it.

Zuikaku - "Fire bombing a eagle union base to retaliate against Hornet's napalm bombing is not the best course of response."

Shoukaku - "I love the aesthetic approach to your room when you showed it to me. I, however, didn't love the fact you insisted on showing me your shrine of Akagi and a 200 page book that described, in concerning detail, your deep love and desire for her."

Deutschland - "I think it's a good time to remind you that we aren't in the 1940s, saluting in the air whilst saying "Heil Hitler!" is something you definitely don't wanna say today."

Queen Elizabeth - "Whenever it's the fourth of july, please refrain from dressing in a british 1700s uniform and attempting to burn down the white house, okay?"

Hornet - "Remember when you napalm bombed the sakura empire? Yeah, go over there and help with the clean up efforts."

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