Sneak Peek

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"Sincerely, I apologize for the finale of this book taking 50 years. Even then, I'll spread some crumbs and let you guys and girls get a sneak peek of the chapter. This is the opening of the finale. So uhm, yeah, enjoy..."

— Dr. Meriegel


Jack Heinswald grimaced as he peered at the computer. His mouth shut tight on a cold cigarette, he looked up over the screen, his blue eyes peering through a thick glass window. Four giant tubes stand on the other side of the glass. After so long, he has found the four perfect test subjects for his experimentations. He was fortunate enough to leave the asylum early on good behavior. It's funny how easily he had fooled them.

            "Shame it has come to this." Jack said in a stern but mocking tone. "But alas, if no one will take risks, then I will."

For a quick moment, he glanced to the left at a giant, circular metal ring. Wires dangled everywhere, the leaver that powered it now weary and torn up from many uses in the past. After the last test, he vowed to not reactivate it in fear of the consequences it held.

            "Now then... the world will soon marvel at what I have done. No longer will they fear what I did, but appreciate it." He mumbled, fixing his glasses.

At the push of a button, the tubes were cleared of their green fluids, the subjects inside slumping idly with masks on their face. Jack had held his breath shut, impatiently waiting for what he had hoped to happen next. He had planned this for years on end, calculating and preparing for any mishaps and troubles along the road. Alas, it all was worth it in the end as his wait ended as they began to wake up.

            "Awaa..." Moaned one of them.

The first that had spoken up, was the youngest of them. Her silver hair was messily tied in a high ponytail, which was held by a black ribbon. Her clothing was a long-sleeved coat draped over a raggedy shirt, which looked too big for her.

The second girl had similar silver hair with bangs that split in the middle. Around her head was a black, spiked headband that gave a very ominous aura to it. She had on a dirty, worn-out red kimono, which symbols have faded a long time ago.

The third also had silver hair, flowing down to her ankles as she had a black crown on her head. She moved her hands to her face, glancing at the black latex gloves covering them. She had a dirty red cape draped over a black, worn-out military uniform with dried, crimson red stains on them.

Finally the fourth of them, and the oldest, had messy silver hair that went everywhere, black veins running through parts of her body were visible and her fingernails were sharp and black like obsidian. Her clothing was entirely black, consisting of a long, torn-up cape over a black coat and crimson-stained pants.

Even looking unique, they all shared two similar characteristics. Silver hair and glowing, yellow eyes. To a regular person, it was weird. To Jack, it was what he envisioned in his mind all this time. He did feel a tinge of a disappointment though. He had hoped to use the relics he had brought to the lab on these girls. The relics in question were bits and pieces of old warships spanning the second world war. He had spent a great deal of fortune to collect them, ranging from Japanese carriers and American destroyers to German and British battleships.

Jack stared at the four girls, who were taking in their surroundings and looking at their bodies, analyzing every detail of themselves as he began thinking of their names. Fortunately, he planned their names.

            "Yes." He said, glancing at the oldest girl. "You will be my right-hand woman in due time. I shall name you ...

... Arbiter: The Queen."

Azur Lane - Crackhead's Paradiseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें