Weekly Report - Week 13

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Announcement - "To all ships, admiral wasn't feeling well. He assigned his secretary, which is me, Tosa, to create this weekly report. Uh... I don't know what else to write on here, might not be long though, only a few incidents here and there."

Yorktown - "I think you should calm down. You aren't doing yourself a favor being angry and all, you know?"

Hornet - "Uhm, stop flashing the other shipgirls, please? I know you came out as a lesbian and all, and it was funny at first, but it's getting annoying now."

Admiral Hipper - "I'm glad you have tits now. I really am, but I don't think bragging about it is okay now. Maybe you should try and mourn about your sister first."

Hood - "The commander spies on you? So all those rumors are true then, right?"

Warspite - "I think dogs are allowed on base, but I don't think you can own 500 of them, at max it should be two or four."

Monarch - "Another fight with Belfast? Can you two not fight again? The commander wouldn't be pleased with another one."

Ark Royal - "You're not allowed to be near destroyers. I'm pretty sure the commander made that clear. No, he didn't say otherwise."

London - "Can you, well, not terrorize the royal destroyers? They've been filing complaints left and right for the commander."

New Jersey - "I think North Carolina tried to kidnap you. I think at least, I can't really remember what happened that day."

Cleveland - "It's bad to smoke, please don't do it. Thank you!"

Montpelier - "Don't be mean to your sister, it's not nice and she could get hurt someday."

Graf Zeppelin - "Do you need someone to talk to? I'm here if you have anger issues with the world. It seems like you hate the world that much."

Friedrich Der Grosse - "You've been visiting the commander's office a lot... I'm not assuming you two are, you know, but I think it's a little suspicious."

Shinano - "What kind of dreams do you see? You always say the commander's are vague or blank. Can you somewhat explain it to all of us."

Mikasa - "We... we aren't nuking the Dragon Empery. Please stop asking, okay? We won't do it."

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