"Oh the guy that is super quiet and takes every order like it's gospel." He spoke aloud as he figured out the male I was taking about.

"That would be the one." I smiled half-heartedly at the younger male. "Once night we planned to leave for awhile and only come back to get my mother. But that night he was late, when he did show he wasn't alone. Dohwa entered while dragging my mother along, he took a sharp knife to the skin at her throat as punishment for what I did. She told me to run and that was exactly what I did, safe to say it was my fault that she's like that."

I finished the story at the same time that my ice melted in my drink, sitting on the table as I was no longer thirsty.

"She's... different." I perk my head up at his words. "The whole time I have been looking after her she remained the same, after a few visits from you, she's sitting up and looking around the room." He spoke ever so softly towards me."

"You didn't tell Dohwa did you?" I question rather hastily. If he knew she was getting better he would put her through even more pain, he can't know she's getting better at all.

"No, once she started show signs of being present in the room and actual mobility I thought it might be the best time to seek you out." I shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing to do

"You did the right thing. Don't say a word to Dohwa or his henchmen about anything of her improvement. Keep me updated but not by text or coming here, write notes and put them in her book beside her bed and I'll collect when I visit."

He nodded along with the plan, agreeing with me and our plan of action. "What about Taeyong?" He questioned with his brows furrowed.

"What do you mean?" It was my turn to furrow my brows.

"Well, he visits all the time and reads her to sleep most nights." I was taken back at the sudden news of Taeyong and his nursing abilities. He did see her as a mother figure so I can understand his closeness. There is still a tiny part of me that has trust in him, I'm going to hold on to that tiny thread and hope he doesn't make me regret it

"He's okay to tell, I trust him." He nodded to my response as a knock on the door draw both of our attentions.

"Chaeyeong, it's me." Baekhyun's soft honey voice seeped through the door and brushed my ears.

"Come in!" I spoke loudly so he'd able to hear me through all the outside noise. "Baek, this is Lucas. My mothers in-house nurse."

Baekhyun walked to my side as I introduced the both of them, I stood up to match him and he put a warm hand on the small of my back. "Pleasure to meet you, Lucas." He reaches out his hand and Lucas returns his formalities.

"I better be going, I said I was only to grab more medicine. I'll see you next time." Lucas said his goodbyes to both of us before Baekhyun turned me to face him.

"Are you okay?" He asked, concern lacing his voice and eyes.

"I'm okay, he's one of the good ones. We were just taking about my mother and our plan for communication about her." I place my hands lightly n his waist.

"Just wanted to make sure you weren't in an uncomfortable situation." He kisses my forehead before pulling me into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Baekhyun." I pull back from the hug slightly. "Hey, I'm a bit tired so I'm going to get Jongdae to call me a cab home."

"Let me know when you're home safe and get some rest. If I offer to drive you home I know you're going to say no and lets face it, I will not want to come back to work." I chuckle as his cute reactions before reaching up to give him a quick kiss on the check.

"Wake me up if I'm asleep when you get home, I want to tell you something."

It was past 4:30am and sleep hadn't managed to accompany me tonight, which I wasn't too upset about. I knew Baekhyun was home but the sound of the door opening and the soft kiss he placed on my forehead.

"Good morning, Bambi." His low voice resonated in my ear as he sat on the side of his bed. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

I lean to sit against the headboard. "Well I wanted to tell you the whole truth, you know parts but not all of them." He moved from the edge of the bed and scooted in next to me.

"I'm all ears." He placed his arm over my shoulder and pulled me in closer.

I started by telling him stories from when I was younger, how my dad used to take me for ice cream after school and not tell mum because she would say it spoils my dinner. How my dad taught me to ride without training wheels by pushing me with my eyes closed, letting go and telling me to open them. How my mum would wipe my tears every time I would scrap my knee or cut my finger.

He laughed along with me at the happy memories like he was experiencing the warmth with me, he would place a kiss on my shoulder, nose, check or forehead every now and then to show his affection. Once I started to recall the horrible parts he would give me a reassuring squeeze telling me he was still here.

I told him about my mothers condition and why she is the way she is, he told me it wasn't my fault and I shouldn't think like that. I spoke about Taeyong and how he acted as a big brother when I never had one, how he became the supportive male figure in my life while Dohwa was the villain to which he told me that If I trusted Taeyong then he would too. I told him about my walls and how I built them so high after Ten's betrayal, how I can act closed off and push people away to stop the hurting before it happens, he told would make sure that he pulls every brick down to make sure that I'm happy.

I smiled to him as he let me lay myself bare in front of him and tell him things I don't want to tell anyone. There was one thing that I wouldn't say to anyone, that I will take to the grave because once I say it, then it become real.

"My father was an alcoholic." He spoke quietly from beside me after our laughter died down. "He was head of a well known Mafia group that ran the underground, he killed people for sport and drank alcohol like it was water."

He was finally opening up to me abut his past and I was sure as hell going to listen to every single word he had to say. I want to know more about him, learn about his past, present and future.

"He would beat my mother to pulp every time he came home late at night." I place my hand on his chest, letting him that it was safe for him to continue, that the memories can't hurt him anymore. "One day when I was old enough, I found away to tear his group down and send him away to prison, where he will be for the rest of his life."

"What's bout your mother?" I ask softly to the vulnerable male before me.

"She ran. The moment my father was sent away, I came home to an empty house. She packed up all of her belongs and left, she left a note behind, telling me that she couldn't be in this house and that no matter what he will haunt her forever. I don't know where she is even if she's still alive but that was my first heartbreak."

I snuggled closer into his chest, listen to his heavy breathing as his heart pounded rapidly. I give him a loving an longing kiss on the lips and put my forehead against his.

"That is why I treat my members with respect and let them have privacy and responsibility. I don't want them to feel as if they are trapped and can not escape this place. I don't like to kill just to kill and my members are the same, we want a better life for the underground." I smiled at the love he has for his members and how he only wants the best for him.

"Come on, let's go to bed."

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