Die loving you

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I breathe softly. The air travelling through me like mist and my body suddenly not craving sleep. But sex

With Emilio or Adrian. To have a body pressed against mine... To feel someone's lips on mine as they push into me with everything they have..

I can't sleep. I lay on my back just thinking. Thinking of what experience I want so much more.

It's cold. The hairs on my body standing like white on a black piece of paper...

I can't sleep alone. Since the first day of the day I slept in this bed I could never find myself really sleeping. One eye open or both closed and widely knowing of where I am.

Right now I look up at nothing. Wondering how long it will take for time to pass until I run to Adrian's room...

If Emilio doesn't come soon I don't know how I'll react. Maybe if he returned it will light and infuse that fire with what it's been lacking.

A couple long silent seconds crash by. My breathes being the only tickling sound through my body..

Again. My eyes shift to the ground. A figures shadow bouncing of it and terrifying me.

I stiffen again. Closing my eyes and painting myself to be sleeping...

I hold my breath. Fearing even my pounding heart beats will be detected.

They watch me. Hands on the bar and eyes set on me. I can feel the hunger in them..

They enter the cell. Who is this

My eyelids flicker with fear as they stand over me. Brushing a piece of hair out of my face and rubbing my cheek with their rough fingers.

"Michelle I know your not sleeping" He smiles. Picking me up by my neck and ass and slipping in beside me..

As soon as his scent reaches my nose it burns with desire. Emilio

I smile. Feeling as he tucks me into his body and holding me tight with an arm over my stomach.

I turn around and gaze up at him. Admiring his soft eyes as there wide and watching me...

He pulls me closer. Our bodies so close my breath runs off him and back to me.

We stare. No sounds but just watching.. saying so much without using our words...

I graze my hand against his shoulder and the other upon his jaw.

I slither my leg between both his and dip my head into his chest. Listening to his heart...

"I love you" I whisper. Feeling the warmth of him travel against me like fire and oil.

"Say you pick me" He yelps. His voice so low and embarrassed he sounds to regret it...

My body doesn't tense but my eyes open and search around his white shirt.

I exhale deeply and let tears drizzle down my face...

I know it will always be Emilio. I just can't wrap myself around how much I still crave something so different

"I will always pick you Emilio. I love you" I repeat. Reaching deep in me to find that...

And yes...

It will always be you Emilio Verlice

I will die loving you

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