Make me, Emilio

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I touch my cheek as I walk to the cafeteria. During my shower I traced my fingers over my cheek which almost felt numb. Even thought we didn't actually kiss, his lips even just touching me made my body dissolve. I don't see or pay attention to anything around me, I simply can't.

The cafeteria door is only a a little away as I glance up and make sure my path is clear. A man sits on the ground, picking at his nails and watching me. Normally I could see the way his eyes are all over me, thinking only of things I'd fear. Right now, I'm thinking about Emilio; dreaming about what else I want with his lips, what more I want his hands to explore all over me.

I smile briefly and walk by him. He shuffles to his feet as I watch from the corner of my eye. "Hey sweetheart, come over here" he says. Walking behind me and jogging with unbalanced steps.
I simple ignore him and continue my short walk to the cafeteria.

"You got that woman locked up for longer, time for your punishment" he hisses. Grabbing me and slamming me against the wall. My stomach tightens and my eyes raise to his greedy and excited expression.

"Let go" I whisper, placing my fists on his chest and pushing away. He smiles big and pushes his fingers to my lips, "open up and suck them!" He demands. I turn my head and slam my fists back into him.

"Get the fuck of-" I say. He pushes his body weight onto mine and licks my neck. My breath hitches and my memories pile over each other.
Nothing hurts more than emotionally giving up when even your words don't stop things. It hurts when you say no, don't touch me; and they do it anyway.

I feel his hands run over me like an object. I swallow the familiarity of it and push out a breath of anger.
"Get the fuck off her!" Someone's deep and chilling voice barks.
I open my eyes and feel the man's body collapse to the ground. I stare up at Emilio as his body walks to him. He towers over the body with a chilling heaviness to breath. "Don't fucking touch her" he repeats. Planting his fist into the man's face and dropping the life out of him.

I stand frozen and clench my fists between my fingers.
"I'm sorry I left you" he says. Standing to his full size and turning to me.
I shake my head and look down the hall, "I don't need a babysitter" I whisper. My voice shallow and scared.

He steps in my space and brings my face to his with a finger on my chin. "You don't need to be afraid, I promise I wont let anyone touch you" he says. I furrow my eyebrows and place my hand on his. "Don't make promises like that Emilio, not to me or anyone else" I say, shaking my head and lowering his hold with mine.

He stares at me with concentration as my eyes pour the pain of what just happened. "Let's go get something to eat. You haven't eaten all day" he whispers. I nod slowly and exhale a soft breath.


I laugh loudly as his face turns and freezes as the food swirls on his taste buds. We made a bet that he wouldn't be able to swallow down what the cafeteria provided. He called me ungrateful when I spit my bite in my napkin and refused to believe that it was that bad.

He blows out a hard breath through his nose and places a closed fist to his lips. I hit my leg faintly and hold my humour inside.
He shakes his head and takes one short glance around. My eyes widen as the food piles from his lips and drops back on the platter,

I swallow deeply as his tongue scrolls over his lips and smile away the affect. I look down at my thighs and breath out the butterflies in my stomach.
"Michelle" he says. I raise my head quickly and snap my eyes on him, "yes" I say. He smiles gently, his lips still remaining over his teeth.

I furrow my eyebrows and soften my pupils. "Why don't you smile" I say. He looks beyond me for a quick moment before circling his exciting eyes back to mine. "Why don't you" he asks. I roll my eyes and kiss my teeth in his lack of response.

"I don't have a reason to" I respond. He nods with an  obvious look in his eyes. I groan lowly and shake my head with a smile.
He pushes my platter toward me and raises his eyebrows, "eat" he says flatly. I shake my head and fight his push. "I'm full" I say. He shakes his head and applies more pressure to the tray. "Don't fight me about this, you barely touched your food!" He scolds.

I smile with humour playing in my mind. I shift my body to the side and rip my hand away.
The tray slides over the edge and splatters on the ground. I look down at it slowly and place a surprised look in my eyes.

He's silent. My eyes stay low on his fist that's tightened and only a little away from me.
I place my hand on his and glare up at hardened expression. The anger pours through his eyes, "why'd you do that" he asks. I narrow my eyes and smile faintly. "I told you I was full. What made you think I was joking?" I tease, rolling my finger tip over the bumps of his knuckles.

He swallows roughly and rips his hand away from mine.
"Clean it" he grumbles. Burning his eyes into mine.
I lean my body into the table and run my tongue over the base of my lips. "You pushed it off the table" I say. He huffs gently and tilts his head up in anger.

"Clean the fucking food" he hums. I lighten my eyes and tighten my gut, "make me, Emilio" I say.
His eyes glisten over my jaw and lips while drowning in heat.

He inhales a hard breath before standing up.
I watch him place his interlocked hands over his crotch and walk off in silence.
He doesn't look back at me while I stare in amazement. I laugh to myself quietly before deciding to clean the mess that I entirely take the deserved blame for.

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