Silence has a loud meaning

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The silence is thick as we walk through the dark and empty halls to our cell. I tried to walk behind him but he just stood there and made me walk in front.

I got a small taste of the stubbornness to him. I look behind my shoulder and stiffen my body as he already stares into me. "We're gonna be sleeping in the same room, is silence really what you want out of me?" I ask. My voice shallow and low as his stare makes me feel weak.

He looks past me briefly and then drops his eyes back to me, "what do you want to talk about Michelle?" He hisses. I stop walking and stare at him tightly, "how do you know my name" I ask. He doesn't seem caught in a lie or guilty of anything; he just keeps his burning eyes focused on mine with faint and shielded humour.

I shut my fists when he doesn't answer and take a long step close to him.
I open my mouth to speak and close up as he fills the gap between us and towers over me. I widen my eyes and feel my hair lower against my back, "what's really going to happen if I don't tell you how I know your name?" He teases, placing his fingertips on my locked jaw.

I hit his hand away and grunt, "whatever" I grumble, turning around and walking fast ahead.


He walks in first, I run my eyes over his body and hold my breath as even the smallest sound could ruin what my body feels. The little light that splashes through a high window glistens of his back and outlines the muscle's and strength of his figure. I breath in softly and step into the thick oxygen he holds.

They put another bed in the cell. They purposely put them together.
I step beside him and look down at them with a stupid smile on my lips. "Something funny?" He asks, never moving or looking down at my face.
I glance up at him and lay my hands out, "they put the beds together, I don't think I want to be that close to you" I tease. He laughs under his breath, "I don't bite, maybe you can't handle yourself?" He says. I move my eyes to his quickly,

He stares at me with a game of settled excitement in his eyes. I shake my head and place my hands on the rim of my pants, "I'm going to sleep, do whatever you want" I say, pulling them to my ankles and walking to the bed.
His eyes watch me as I pull the blanket back, crawl in and turn around. I even feel him carving into me as I shut my eyes and hold the blanket for life.

It takes everything of me not to turn around and watch his as he shuffles out of his clothing and places them on the dresser.
He lays his body next to me but keeps himself over the blanket. I feel the stillness of him, the silence he's seemed to manage.

This kind of silence, it's the one that's only filled with thoughts and memories. You think of things you want, or the things you could never forget. "What are you thinking about" I whisper. My body almost forced the question out of me.
I sway my body around when he doesn't answer. My eyes lay over his revealed chest and admire everything that any woman could dream over. He tilts his head to me and smiles with the shock in my eyes.

I sit up on my fist and furrow my eyebrows, "we don't have to talk, I get that. But can you tell me you name so I can address you properly" I ask. He drops his attention to my lips and shoots them away, "will you leave me alone til morning if I tell you" he asks. I nod with an irritated smile.

"It's Emilio Verlice" he says. I nod slowly and lay my head down. "Thank you" I whisper. Shutting my eyes and swallowing the butterflies in my existence.

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