Chapter 47: ring

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"So do you think your gonna buy it" I hum. Slithering a bite of pasta between my lips and mouth..

We're at a fancy restaurant and he's watching me. As I eat and sip my wine. When my eyes move to the waiter and people behind him he tenses and builds a wall.

He's so aware of me I almost choke on my food. That being how powerful his gaze is.. Stop that Emilio..

His feet sit against mine both. Trapping them in and sheltering them. I blush. I love when Emilio tries even little things to keep my safe.

He nods silently and places his fork down. Like he's fighting questions in his mind..

I tilt my head and raise my eyebrows. The dark lights just being enough to make out each others important features. Ones I could stare at for days and months.

I ask what he's thinking. Pulling him from wherever he is and making him tense. Please Emilio. Let me in, just as you have before and hopefully now..

"I don't know what I'm thinking" he answers. The tone against his voice honest and confused.

My eyes narrow gently and my saliva runs down my throat. Tell me the questions you want to ask Emilio. You know I hate waiting...

We lock eyes. Staring at one another from each side of the table. This happening very often but feeling something different this time. Like our eyes are hands softly grazing against each other skin. Admiring everything about the person we never thought love could occur.

My plate is half empty and my breathing spikes, watching as he stands and glares over me..

What are you thinking Emilio?

He clears his throat and calms his breath. He's trying. Emilio is trying so hard to not fuck whatever he's doing...

His face softens. Mine still tense as I'm confused on what's happening.

"Michelle ever since I met you that day I knew I'd never want anything else.. even if you hated me" He says. My lips quivering gently as he slowly begins sitting on one knee..

Are you doing what I think your doing Emilio?

My mouths widens. Placing my hand over it to break the sounds which want to escape.

"I love you more then myself and want to experience many things.. with you and only you" He sobs. His eyes filling with fearful tears..

Mine begin letting tears trickle down. Feeling as his hand takes mine and pulls it close to his.

"I will always pick you over everything. You are my everything Michelle" he hums. Setting his eyes to his pocket and pulling a small red box out. My heart beginning to beat rapidly...

With one hand in his and the other over my mouth he finishes his big speech. My eyes only on his and his only one mine.

Everyone is watching but I don't care. God I love you Emilio..

"I want life with you"

"So what I'm asking is, Michelle Maria Romano will you marry me and make me happier then as I am right now" He finishes. My body shaking and standing to my feet.

He looks up at me with awe. Spreading his eyes against mine with want..

I being crying. Wailing.. Nodding my eyes and laughing through joyful tears..

He exhales loudly and opens the box. My consumed eyes of tears glistening around the beautiful diamond he slides down my finger.

He stands to his feet and towers over me. Pulling my against him and pushing his lips to mine. Deep and full of meaning. The meaning of wanting to never let go and keep what we have and make more..

My hands wrap into his hair and tug it gently. Pushing him further into him and letting his tongue slide and play with mine.

He grunts lowly and smiles. Our tears colliding and filling our mouths...

The room begins clapping and filling with other crying. I don't care though.. I only feel and see and want Emilio.

The air is taken from me. Pulling away but keeping little distance between our faces and body. It all feels so much better now...

"I love you so much" he struggles. Stepping on his voice with the loosing to tears. Making me push against his chest harder.

"I love you too" I whisper. Feeling his hands on my lower back in support...

Me and Emilio look at each other. My eyes on his and his eyes on mine.

Emilio begins complaining about how he knows this isn't the special place he wanted for us but I simply assure how that proposing is better then anything to me...

I tell him it's only us at the end of the day and no matter where we are as long as we're together it will always feel right. He smiles in agreement.

He places 5 hundred dollar bills on the table and lifts sweeps me off my feet. Leaving the restaurant with giggles and smiles...

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