Chapter 32:

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His body and face made me worry and have a build up of concern as the whole drive he was like that.

It only increased as we finally reached his house and stood out the car, his eyes never touching his warmest memory.

I wash my hand over to his and he looks down on me in a quick second, my warm touch making his body a little less tense, "cosa c'e' che non va amore mio" (what's wrong my love), I whisper lightly,
my eyes deepening and finding his upset ones.

"I'm just a bit nervous, I've never brought a person who means so much as you do to my family" he confesses, my lips curling slightly from those words.

"Well at least you will never feel like this again, your never getting rid of me" I say playfully, a bright smile on my face.

I squeeze his hand gently and listen as he chuckles under his breath, his head shaking and our walk reaching the big red doors.

I mean the house is ginormous, so big you probably get lost inside while staying.

I watch as he raises his hand and hesitates to knock, my impatience and voice telling me to do it myself.

"Emilio stop it" I snap aggressively, letting a little huff out before painting a smile on my face as a girl about my age swings the door open.

Her eyebrow whips up and she seems to be a little taller then me.
I feel Emilios grip tighten on mine and I quickly pop into the silence, "hi I'm Michelle it's so nice to meet you" my bright voice states, throwing my hand out for her.

She almost looks like she's trying to spot something but quickly shakes the feeling, her eyes smiling in mine, "hi I'm Mia, it's nice to meet you to, come in" she greets politely, grasping into my hand and shaking it gently.

I swallow silently and step inside, the smell of roasted vanilla hitting my nose.

I hear Emilio kiss her on the cheek gently before stepping in after me and removing his shoes.

My eyes light up as my vision is fixed onto a beautiful house, "let me take your shoes of amor" he offers gently, my eyes looking down on him as he removes them gently, "thanks" I quickly respond.

As Mias eyes watch us she almost looks impressed and laughs loudly, "shit I've never seen him do anything like that" she jokes, my eyes honestly not so amused.

"Oh my, the guests have arrived",  someone's warming and welcoming voice states, an older woman coming into sight, Wow she truly is stunning to the eye.

I pull my dress down a bit before walking into the main room and greeting her with a smile, her hand gently tapping Emilios shoulder.

"Hello there I'm Emilios mother but you can call me Rosetta" she states playfully, her warming smile and big eyes reminding me so much of Emilio when he's happy.

"I'm Michelle it's so nice to meet you" I say gladly, her pulling my body into a tight and warm hug.

Her eyes almost look purple and her blonde strands of hair sit neatly on her head.

I laugh a bit after she lets me free and motions for her hand to follow, "would you like a glass of wine dear" she asks gently, my quick little nod following after.

"Not a lot ma" Emilio pops in coldly, his eyes staring down on me roughly.

As he's basically up my ass behind me we have a little intensive staring contest before we're interrupted by Mias loud voice.

Now as I haven't seen Emilios dad yet Mia holds dark  eyes and black hair,
weird as her mom is blonde blonde.

Her energy is very proud and confident and it's something I can point out very quickly, "come sit and let's talk, I have many questions" she says gently, pulling me down on the couch with her.

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