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He applies pressure to my lip with a cloth while his jaw is clenched hard and his knee bouncing wild. I exhale softly and look behind him as Delilah shoots into the cell.
All day the prison has been preparing for this party. My eyes widen slightly as a tight and short red dress is sucked on her body. "What happened" she pouts, swaying over to me with her sight in Emilio.

I swallow the hardness in my throat and dip my sight to the sparkly silver dress in her hand that clearly matches the one she wears, "stick to Emilio and nobody will hurt ya" she winks. Placing a hand on Emilios shoulder.

I smile faintly and feel the jealously eat me inside out. "This is for you, I'll be downstairs in the washroom with makeup. You got 10 minutes" She says, placing the dress and matching shoes down with a big smile.

I swap my eyes to Emilio and notice the calmness in his expression. He's focusing on the towel against my mouth while his mind clearly digs into deep and dark thoughts.
I place my hand gently on his arm and stare at him with worry, "don't let this be your night Emilio. Please, for me" I plead, lacing my finger on his chin.

He swallows hard and pulls his face from me effortlessly. "Michelle he put his hands on you, thats not something I'll just put past me" he hisses.
I breath in heavily and take the cloth of my lip. "I'm gonna get dressed, thank you doctor" I wink. Pecking his cheek with my lips.

I jump of the bed and pick the dress of the night stand. I bring it in front of my eyes and laugh with disbelief, "she's crazy" I gasp, drizzling my sight over the length of it.

I glance over at Emilio and catch his Adam's apple roll in irritation. "You could always wear your uniform" he smiles, reaching his arms out for me. I shake my head and place my hands on the rim of my pants. "It's a party Emilio, everyone's gonna be dressed like this" I shrug. He shakes his head in disapproval.


"You look amazing" Delilah sings, squeezing my shoulders. I look in the mirror and grab the rim of my dress. As I pull in down my boobies lunge out and startle me, "I don't know how Emilio will feel" I whine. She looks at me with a 'be for real' look and rolls her eyes, "he won't be able to keep his eyes of you" she giggles, finishing my makeup with a sponge of blush.

She tied my curls in some up some down and did the same for hers. I use the sink to balance myself as I let my feet sink into the heels she gave me and watch as she with no problem slides into hers.
"Your legs are beautiful, the cuts and scars almost make it.. better" she says, the honesty in her voice very reliable.

I swallow hard and feel the itching thought of how I got those scars sink back into me, "yeah" I whisper. Zoning my body on nothing.
"Before we go did Emilio tell you the rules?" She asks, finding the confusion on my face almost instantly.

She nods with sarcasm in her eyes and places her body on her hip. "Okay, don't take a drink from a random person because you most likely will get raped. If you order a drink make sure to watch every move the bartender makes, and! If they put it under the counter decline. Don't run of with people and if your grabbed fight and scream for ya life!" She giggles.

I nod slowly and swallow the information. "Ok I'm ready" I smile. Watching as she jumps to her feet and jogs out of the room.

I feel the vibration of the loud music blare through my body as I exit the washroom and inhale the alcohol and drugs that somehow happen in this prison.


As we spill into the room my eyes widen with the stomach turning blinking lights and the even louder music. People wear close to nothing and press against each other as if this is a real club.
In less than a second Delilah throws herself at a man and drowns her eyes into him. I stand and observe everything uppy and desired.

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