What right

13 4 0

I open my eyes slowly and inhale a rush of perfection. He smells of dried sweat and worn cologne. I stare at his back and realize how close I've shuffled throughout the night.

Marks and indents run over a large part of him. They seem to have healed without being treated, the colour and texture of each scar seeming deeper or different.

I lift my weak hand and trace my fingertip over the largest one placing just beside his spine. His body tightens and flinches, I pull my hand back and pray he assumes it was just wind.

A strong urge to know why he has those runs over me. I crave the story behind why his back is marked with scars that seem to similar to mine. I know those, I understand them even if they're just there.

I swallow roughly and lift my hand again. My eyes are set strong and my fingers feel numb. I place them on his back again and twirl internally as he grunts under his breath.

"I'm awake" he hisses. I don't remove my fingers but instead continue reacting over every spec of him, "I know" I hum.
He pulls away and turns his body quickly. My shallow and curious eyes stare up at his angered and erupting expression.

His wide eyes run all over my face and soften as I don't move or apologize. "Don't touch me" he says. I tilt my head and raise my hand again, "let me" I say.
He furrows his eyebrows and pushes my hand down with his. I breath heavily and lock my jaw, "who did that to you" I ask. He stares blankly as a question like that seems disrespectful.

He shakes his head slowly and pulls himself of the bed.  "I'm moving the beds, get up!" he demands. I harden my expression and sit up. "Don't be a baby Emilio, Don't make a big deal out of something small" I insist. He shakes his head and places his hands on the rim of his side. "A stranger touched me, I don't think that's some small thing Michelle" he says. Waving his hands for me to move.

I pout faintly and lay my body over both sides. " I'm not getting up" I mumble. Laying my face on his mattress.
He laughs out loud and circles the bed, "get up now" he growls, lowering his body on his knees and placing his sentence to my ear.

My body shivers and spikes as his deep voice spills down my mind and body. I lift my head and place my soft eyes on him, "or what?" I ask. His jaw ticks and his eyes stay placed.

"Don't play games Michelle, you'll lose" he whispers. I stare at him deeply and lay my hand out. I place it on his chin and rub my finger against his bottom lip, "I said, or what?" I challenge. Admiring the fire burns in his eyes.

The sides of his lips curve. He pulls his head away from my fingers and stands up.
I keep myself layed on my stomach and focus on his steps around the bed.
My stomach turns in circles and my mind blurs.

"Michelle!" Someone's voice hollers. I jump up and step out of the bed urgently. Emilio stares at me from the other side of the room and runs his eyes over my bare legs. "You should put some pants on, might make you feel uncomfortable" he swallows. Holding his jaw in his hand.

I furrow my eyebrows and smile, "don't tell me what I'll feel" I snap back. He shakes his head and grunts in anger.
In moments Sebastian appears in the door. My palms heat up and my mind doesn't know how to react. His eyes are pained, he looks like forgiveness isn't something that he wants to turn to.

"Their adding 10 years to her sentence!" He says. His voice shuttered and stopped as pain scans his throat. I shake my head and step closer. "No, stay over there. I didn't need you help Michelle, don't you understand that. I could have handled myself, you just made things worse!" He screams. My body drools as disappointment fills my body.

I hate this feeling. I felt it my entire life and still come affected by it worse than the first. The way the persons eyes drown in sadness due to a mistake you made. I hate how drowned others become when I was the one with the life jacket.

I bite the inside of my cheek and feel the pressure as he steps closer, his finger pointed in my face while his body moves in pain.
"She's never gonna get out! Why the fuck would you do-"

"Move back, can't you see she gets it!" He states. Stepping between us and placing a hand to his chest. Sebastian stares up at him with anger while huffing in disgust.
"Nah bro, she doesn't get it. That woman's life it's.." he cries.

"She was trying to help you, nobody should have put her in that position to begin with. Don't blame good people for stupid mistakes others make" he says. Staring at Sebastian sternly.

He pushes himself away and tumbles out of the cell. I swallow the lump in my throat and stare down at my hands. They shake and sweat, I almost can't control the disconnect my body affects.

It's silent for a long time. Emilio sits on the bed and stares at me from his viewing. I shake my head and turn my eyes to him. I stiffen as for the first time his eyes are concerned and full of care. They share so much character than how before seemed shielded by some invisible act.

"Come here" he hums. Patting the space next to him. I eye him suspiciously and keep my feet planted in my emotion.
He bites his jaw and look down at his lap, "I know how it feels alright. Come sit down so I can give you a hug" he says under his breath. I place my lips in a line and melt inside.

I sway over to him and place myself next to him. My head turns to glance up at him as he sighs to himself in discomfort. "You don't have to hug m-" I say,
"I want to" he insists. Grabbing my my arms and folding me into him.

I swallow roughly and stare widely at his chest. His arms glide around my back and attempt to make this as comforting as possible. The position we sit in makes this feel to awkward to be a hug yet to close to be nothing.

I feel and hear his heat beat bouncing and knocking against his chest. I breath him in and exhale a calm breath.
I wrap my arms around his neck and pull my head in the dip of his jaw. His hands stay balanced on my skin, never applying to much pressure or letting to much go unnoticed.

I sigh into him and flinch gently as my lips brush over his throat.
His Adam's apple rolls down his throat as I lean deeper into him and create more touch.

He inhales a sharp breath before quickly placing his hands on my waist and wrapping me over him.
My legs widen over his lap and my body sits right over his. As uncomfortable as this should be, it isn't. I can't feel the pull or irritation of being in a position like this.

His hands cover my back and hold me tight; his head touches mine with his cool breath tickling my ears and playing with my mind.
I swallow the overwhelming want in my throat and tilt my head on his shoulder.
Our eyes meet. My body freezes; his eyes drop to my lips slowly and become irritated as something inside him turns.

I run my tongue over my lips and feel his eyes cross back to mine. His face slowly becomes closer, my body tightening as my mind goes numb.

In the last moment he stops, he looks at me and shifts his expression. "I can't" he whispers, placing a quick kiss on my cheek.

He slowly parts me from him and sits me down on the bed. I stare up at him with a shallow and curious aroma floating in me.
He walks through the door with his hands stuffed in his pockets and hair. He blows out a rough breath before he's gone and leaves me in my own thoughts and silence.

I can't feel my breathes or my hands. I feel as if I've been put under a spell that calms my body and makes my mind feel alive with concentration.
I've never in my life, felt so right. None of my best decisions have felt as right as that did. Nothing has ever made me feel that I didn't need oxygen to breath, but instead another soul. Another human that might just be what's right.

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